Would you like something even better?
Here’s the MOTHERLODE of Alternative-Health Advertising
No matter your market… or where your customers are located… IDEAS are the lifeblood of direct response selling.
You’ll be flush with 107 tested and proven winners in the ARSENAL of ALT-HEALTH… that dominated the pages of print for decades!
But if you’re that rare marketer or copywriter… who’d like to hunt BIG GAME for years to come… in near COUNTLESS alternative-health markets… here’s your chance.

Spare yourself the need of investing fortunes and years of toil… to get your hands on a WORLD CLASS archive of alternative-health advertising.
Plus… slash a cool $1,000 off the price during this promo.
The Motherlode of Alternative-Health Advertising boasts a whopping 2,000+ alternative-health print ads (from 1968-2023) and 400+ direct mail packages (from 1995-2023).
And get this.
Every ad is KEYWORD SEARCHABLE… in fact, the WHOLE ARCHIVE is searchable by one or multiple keywords.
Imagine… NEVER having to stare down the blank screen again… no matter what you’re working on in alternative-health.
Finding inspiration in a flash!
Whether it’s home run hitting headlines… fabulous fascinations… blockbuster products… proven proof elements or killer offer copy.
Imagine… having more RESPONSE-GETTING firepower… in a lightning fast USB flash drive you can hold in your hand… than a skyscraper full of the ablest ad agencies.

Example? Use these results for the keyword, “tinnitus” to RING out response!
Your marketing and copywriting life is about to get a whole LOT more exciting.
Because as soon as next week… you’ll be able to look “over the shoulder” of world class marketers and copywriters and discover the EXACT copy used to dominate countless markets under any one of THOUSANDS of searchable keywords.
Best of all?
“The Motherlode of Alternative-Health Advertising” goes…
WAY BEYOND supplements, serums and info products!
If you write copy for or market:
– Dietary supplements,
– Anti-aging serums or
– Alternative health books, newsletters and reports…
You could be:
Seriously, there’s more money-making advertising in this 8 GIGABYTE archive… than any able-bodied man or woman can deploy in the next decade.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Is it worth a $2.73 a day for your next million dollar idea?

Make that your next DOZEN million dollar ideas!
Pocket a $1,000 savings today when you swing for “The MOTHERLODE of of Alternative-Health Advertising”…
And grab ONE YEAR of unlimited access to The Ad Money Machine.
I’ve pulled out all the stops during this campaign.
Because just like a brand new office tower gives sweetheart deals to its anchor tenants, I’m looking for a few good journeymen (and women!) like YOU… who will come with me on the marketing voyage of a lifetime.
Won’t you join me?
One quick disclaimer.
If you’re looking for fancy website graphics or “java jumping jacks”… this offer is NOT for you.
But if you’d like to tap into the power of winning direct response… and countless IDEA JACKPOTS for you and your business… WITHOUT spending a fortune on products and subscriptions to get them… you’ve come to the right place.
Change your marketing and business life… starting next week!

within 2 business days of your order
When you get your dual USB drive shuttle… take one Ultra Fit USB 3.1 Flash Drive and reserve it for your computer…
And put the second one in your safe.
It’s insurance you can count on next week… and a decade from now.
You’re covered by my 60 day “pillage and profit” guarantee
The deal is simple, mon ami.
Take 60 days to pillage and profit with the “The Motherlode of Alternative-Health.”
If you’re dissatisfied for any reason… return the USB drive shuttle for a full refund. It’s that easy.
I love long copy as much as the next guy or gal… but it’s time to wrap this up.
I’ve pulled out ALL the stops…
Now “the choice is yours” as they say in direct response.
Because you’re a valued subscriber, I’m knocking $1,000 off the price tag during this short promotion.
As General MacArthur said: “There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.”
Forget about playing it safe.
There’s abundant opportunity, if you’ve got great ideas… and put ’em to work.
Yours for bolder response,
Lawrence Bernstein
(The world’s most obsessed ad archivist)
P.S. Don’t miss the tidy $1,000 savings on “The MOTHERLODE of of Alternative-Health Advertising.”
P.P.S. I’ve spent a fortune on products and subscriptions so you don’t have to. Snag your MOTHERLODE package now… because this offer may NOT be repeated.
YES! I’ll take the Motherlode of Alternative Health
No, I’ll just take the Arsenal of Alternative Health
Breakthrough Business Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
6890 E. Sunrise Ste. #120-118, Tucson, AZ 85750 USA 866-863-4850
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