Would you like something even…even better?
Here’s the MOTHERLODE of Health, Wealth & Self-Help!
No matter your market… or where your customers are located… IDEAS are the lifeblood of direct response selling.
You’ll have more of them than any go-getting marketing man or woman can ever deploy in alternative health.
Why not make it a trifecta?
Here’s the BILLION DOLLAR archive of winning Health, Wealth and Self-Help advertising that can change your marketing life… WITHOUT spending decades and several fortunes.
Plus you can save a tidy $1,500 if you take action today.

Who says you can’t have it ALL?
In addition to the Motherlode of Alternative-Health Advertising with a whopping 2,000+ alternative-health print ads (from 1968-2023) and 400+ direct mail packages… all KEYWORD searchable… you can run the table for response in countless markets in health, wealth and self-help!

When Jay Abraham needed to get a family member up to speed with a world class direct response education in investing and finance…
Guess who he called?
And speaking of Jay, remember the classic lead from his “Super Consultant’s” package:
“A business strategy that may be common as dirt in one industry can have the effect of an atomic bomb in an industry in which it has never been used before.”

Have it in spades.
Ready to SHATTER response with the HOTTEST ideas from OUTSIDE your market?
Dive into 250+ GIANT direct mail packages in almost every FINANCIAL AND INVESTING market known to man… PLUS over 400 print ads…
Look “over the shoulder” of world class marketers and copywriters and discover the EXACT copy used to dominate countless markets under any one of THOUSANDS of searchable keywords.
Grab it all…
Tested and proven promos for:
– Investment newsletters
– Trading advisories
– Home study courses
– Investment management & funds
– Trading software
– Books & special reports
– Precious metals
– Banking
– Seminars
– And more!

Be the MASTER of all you survey in financial marketing…
with the biggest and boldest ads at your disposal…
from blockbuster packages that SHATTERED SALES for everything from investment newsletters to trading software… and from TIMELESS lead generation in brokerage and investment management, like Ogilvy’s classic ads for Merrill-Lynch… to best selling books that tapped oceans of response.

Round it out with over 200 massive direct mail and print ads in SELF-HELP, WEALTH CREATION & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT.
Here’s a small fraction of what you’ll discover when you rip open your FedEx package… take out the loaded Ultra Fit USB 3.1 Flash Drive… and plug it into your computer.
Timeless topics and evergreen products in Self-Help!
– Subconscious mind programming & goal achievement
– Productivity & time management
– Wealth creation & LOA
– Memory improvement & speed reading
– Prospering during a downturn
– Sales mastery & communication
– Mind/Body Nutrition
– Self-discipline/Self-mastery
– Creative power & dream programming
– And much more!

Is it worth a $4.10 a day for your next million dollar idea?

Make that your next DOZEN million dollar ideas!
Pocket a $1,500 savings today when you swing for “The MOTHERLODE of Health, Wealth & Self-Help”…
And grab ONE YEAR of unlimited access to The Ad Money Machine.
I’ve pulled out all the stops during this campaign.
Because just like a brand new office tower gives sweetheart deals to its anchor tenants, I’m looking for a few good journeymen (and women!) like YOU… who will come with me on the marketing voyage of a lifetime.
Won’t you join me?
One quick disclaimer.
If you’re looking for fancy website graphics or “java jumping jacks”… this offer is NOT for you.
But if you’d like to tap into the power of winning direct response… and countless IDEA JACKPOTS for you and your business… WITHOUT spending a fortune on products and subscriptions to get them… you’ve come to the right place.
And I’ll sweeten the pot if you say “YES!” today… with this GIANT bonus.
But don’t delay… this bonus might be pulled at any time.
Discover the secrets of…

These may be the winningest long copy retail ads of all time. Here’s some of what’s inside:
– 4-foot-10 marketing GIANT’s foolproof knock-off insurance… and her $80 million payday.
– Secrets for building an impregnable MARKETING MOAT around your brand or product
– How the “Carpet Kings” created the largest chain on the Eastern Seaboard… with killer retail copywriting
– Personality in advertising, “reason-why” copy and “story selling”… built the nation’s biggest men’s clothing operation… opposite the San Diego Freeway at Magnolia Street
– How the “4 day” USP conquered the tire market
– And much, much more!
The Retail Copywriting Kingdom is yours if you respond TODAY.
Why wait… when you can…
Change your marketing and business life… starting next week!

within 2 business days of your order
When you get your dual USB drive shuttle… take one Ultra Fit USB 3.1 Flash Drive and reserve it for your computer…
And put the second one in your safe.
It’s insurance you can count on next week… and a decade from now.
You’re covered by my 60 day “pillage and profit” guarantee
The deal is simple, mon ami.
Take 60 days to pillage and profit with the “The MOTHERLODE of Health, Wealth & Self-Help.”
If you’re dissatisfied for any reason… return the USB drive shuttle for a full refund. It’s that easy.
I love long copy as much as the next guy or gal… but it’s time to wrap this up.
I’ve pulled out ALL the stops…
Now “the choice is yours” as they say in direct response.
Because you’re a valued subscriber, I’m knocking $1,500 off the price tag during this short promotion.
As General MacArthur said: “There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.”
Forget about playing it safe.
There’s abundant opportunity, if you’ve got great ideas… and put ’em to work.
Yours for bolder response,
Lawrence Bernstein
(The world’s most obsessed ad archivist)
P.S. Don’t miss the fabulous $1,500 savings on “The MOTHERLODE of Health, Wealth & Self-Help.”
P.P.S. I’ve spent a fortune on products and subscriptions so you don’t have to. Snag your MOTHERLODE package now… because this offer may NOT be repeated.
YES! I’ll take the Motherlode of
Health, Wealth & Self-Help
No, I’ll just take the Motherlode of
Alternative Health
Breakthrough Business Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
6890 E. Sunrise Ste. #120-118, Tucson, AZ 85750 USA 866-863-4850
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