Control Stash Cache #2:
Bottom Line’s Best at $150M a Year
11 DM PACKAGES (336.5megabyte zipped file)
This 2002 ad ran 8 years after Mel Martin’s passing and captures in one page the soft offer MAGIC of Bottom Line as it neared its $150 million a year apex in the early to mid 2000s. The almost exclusive product? Books.
True, Marty’s company was a long ways behind Rodale Inc. with $500 million a year in sales in 2001 (the next control stash) but Rodale was a much older company with diverse international holdings.
And while Rodale boasted envelope packages, magalogs and space ads that would be the envy of almost every working copywriter today, they rarely ventured tabloid sized mailings like Bottom Line in the 2000s.
Opening your mailbox to one of these behemoths isn’t merely getting a direct mail piece — it’s more like someone mailed you a scintillating small billboard… poised to dominate the rest of your day.
You’ll find copy about health, wealth, better living, paying less and enjoying a richer and freer lifestyle — that’s always been the Bottom Line message.
Of course, these packages are filled with hundreds of Bottom Line’s trademark fascinations.
(NOTE: In one or two cases, a cleaner magalog that was not in the original Makepeace archive was used instead to achieve a better PDF scan.)
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