2024 Updated! The “Bug Out Bag” of Winning Ads 3.0… PLUS the “Billion Dollar Boys of Direct Response” Gigabyte of Goodies. $1,000 value… YOURS FREE!

How’s this for a hot headline?
You peak out your window at night and a raging inferno looks back.
All hundred thousand acres of it!
That’s about the size of the country of Andorra.
The Bighorn Fire in June of 2020 morphed from a single lighting strike in the bone-dry Santa Catalina Mountains into a blaze so big, a NASA satellite captured the view of the billowing smoke from space.
Let me tell you.
A fire of that size headed your way has the unique ability to SHARPEN your mind.
It also made most of the stuff people were worrying about in that roller coaster ride of 2020… almost obsolete.

couldn’t stop “the Bighorn.”

While I was originally typing this from the comfort of an air conditioned office, the “hotshot” firefighting crews were working on narrow mountain ledges, among rattlesnakes and jumping cacti in 100 degree (38 C) temperatures… all while wearing 80-pound packs.
I’m grateful to these men and women and I’ve got nothing to complain about, no matter what the latest news on the screen shows.
The danger passed, but it was a close call.
Because in my patch of cactus country…
There’s only one road out of Dodge
And when a blaze that menacing is racing toward your backyard… you’ve got to be ready to BUG OUT.
So that June, I packed our bags.

Here’s my bug out bag.
It was filled with all the familiar staples at the peak of the covid pandemonium.
Clorox wipes, Vitamin-C packets, ammo (even grannies pack around here), aspirin and, of course, that most coveted commodity of 2020 in the States… toilet paper.
While I was packing my bug out bag and the Bighorn Fire threat was at its worst… I was contemplating not having an advertising archive room to return to, if an evacuation order was issued.
There was just no time for salvaging a decade and a half of junk mail.
Sorry Bill Jayme – “junque mail.”
Besides shaking the slumber of the first half of 2020 out of me, the Bighorn Fire also sparked an idea.
The Bug Out Bag of Winning Ads!
If you had to salvage ONLY the most valuable money-making … response-getting … grab it in your hands and GO … winning advertising…
This might be it!
The “Bug Out Bag” of Winning Ads 3.0 is BIGGER and better than ever… updated for 2024.
(Note: all this and so much more is yours, after you snag your virtual “bug out” bag.)
Zeitgeist for 2023 in This BOLD Bookalog… from the larger than life “copywriting vaquero”
Marketing Moats and “Anti-Search” Marketing… in the Age of Amazon
“AdWords On Paper”… Personal Injury Lead Gen GENIUS
A Supplements Guarantee… You Can Take to the BANK!
BITCOIN & blockchain mailbox BLOCKBUSTER… Secrets of “subscription selling” that built a half-billion dollar business
Ultimate ANTI-AGING advertising… 44 GIANT pages and over one BILLION dollars in sales. Everything from world class health and beauty copy… to luscious layouts… to pitching product lines in print… plus product naming and positioning
ULTIMATE product positioning (The world’s most powerful money manual)… How to sell 100,000 home study courses at $195 to brand new customers
40 LIFE CHANGING pages that could turn YOU into a fabulous fascination writer… even if you’ve never written one before!
How to run 100,000 ads in print that NEVER fatigue. Likely the ad with the MOST insertions in the history of BIZ-OP.
Tiny bookalog… HUGE response… Perhaps the greatest direct mail “sneak-up” in history… and a lift-letter so crafty… it fooled even me
The most DANGEROUS ad in history? You’ll learn more about WINNING proof elements from this one ad… than any ten advertising textbooks… even though the advertiser was fined $61 million!
POWER profits with pattern interruption and “re-positioning”… Contrarian copywriter’s secret for forcing readership and response
Swiping A-Z Video Series… When the world’s best copywriter swipes from THIS classic… twice!
Marketing secrets of the world’s largest chiropractic franchise… 24-page BLUEPRINT for creating a world beating franchise
12-page sales letter moves a MOUNTAIN of $995 a year subscriptions… without any fancy graphic design.
Secrets of an UNBEATABLE 27-year “double control” in direct mail… and print… PLUS contrarian advice on why “beating the control” could be a BIG waste of your time… from the winning copywriter himself
100-year old response booster SMASHES your prospect’s most common (and hidden) objections. 21-page digital dossier for ratcheting up response… from those prospects who normally say “No!”
Secrets of EVERGREEN products that sell… for decades… and “Why a gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen.” Thanks, Gary.
Boiler room on paper…”Pandemic creates potential stock boom of the decade.” This newspaper mailing is the epitome of Marshall McLuhan’s maxim, “the medium is the message”
Lead magnets that LAND 150,000 paying subscribers… A lesson on how to arouse SERIOUS desire in prospects… and fill your coffers from oodles of paying subscribers
55 TRILLION emails NEVER opened… One thousand MAGIC subject lines for rocking response in your prospect’s inbox.
The “Super Consultant” package… Home study selling secrets… PLUS… How to FORCE readership with the… “Why I hate (blank)” lift letter.
World’s WEIRDEST lead gen lesson… from 20th Century electric guitar marketers… who made a MINT
My mailman can (STILL) quote this magalog… World’s winningest alt-health copywriter’s response rocking TUNE-UP… on a tired 10-year old piece
2 MAGIC HEADLINES battle it out… and the winner is… Welcome to the “mailbox gladiatorial games”
SNEAKY subscription selling secrets. An IRRESISTIBLE offer that’s 100% above board… yet wrings out every last ounce of response.
LEGACY programs that land response…”Why I Will Pay You $4,768 To Cancel Your Subscription Right Now”
MAGIC subject line from quarter BILLION dollar company… yanks response from ANY List. So good it was turned into a direct mail package.
Fabulous Forbes funnels and “The One Stock to Buy in July”… Secrets of the perennial winner to the Forbes’ house file
Simple PERSUASION BLUEPRINT… from a 60 year copywriting veteran to pocket over $100 million. (In his own words… shared in a personal email)
Self-defense package my mailman knows by heart… The envelope teaser copy propelled this winner for two solid years.
“CUSTOM Villas” luxury real estate classic... sold BIG on both sides of the Atlantic
FABULOUS fascination ringing the register… 9 YEARS and counting!
“Secrets of The Societies The Greatest Kept Secrets of All Time for Money, Power, Romantic Love!”
Mel Martin’s subscription selling and POWER pricing… The power of CONTRAST that gets prospects’ greed glands going
Ad lessons from the LARGEST book publishing enterprise EVER in existence (224-page “Dirty Dossier”)
You must be over 21… to read this headline?
MAGIC headline sold 2.6 MILLION books PLUS… How to burn a list of 175,000 paying subscribers
The BIG bookalog that launched a thousand copywriting careers… A 21st Century direct mail list topper for POWER product positioning.
Selling Beethoven by the BOATLOAD… A towering Time-Life offer that ran for years
Mom’s AMAZING pineapple weight loss pitch… (Mailing 11 Years and Counting)
World’s greatest AFFILIATE marketing model? Some things are too good to share… but here it is. An EVERGREEN concept in cash creation with the power of niches.
What’s YOUR most valuable asset?
The Bighorn Fire was another reminder.
I’ve lost it all more than once.

And I’ve come close more times than I can recall.
But do you know what can NEVER be stripped away… no matter what goes down in the world around us?
Because if you’ve got those, you have the means to get it all back and then some.
They’re your most valuable asset… no matter your line of business.
But first a…
WARNING! If you’re looking for fancy website graphics or “java jumping jacks”… this offer is NOT for you.
But if you’d like to tap into the power of winning direct response… and countless IDEA JACKPOTS for you and your business… WITHOUT spending a million on products and subscriptions to get them… you’ve come to the right place.
Because if you’re in the business of selling one-to-many… you’ll have more:
REAL world… money-making ideas!
than any marketer or copywriter can deploy in five years… no matter your industry… no matter where you’re located.
Here’s even more:
Pitching “Private Portfolio Groups” at $1,950 a Year Need some inspiration for high ticket offers that SELL? Look no further than this brilliant piece from one of the best in the biz.
Secrets of a 30-year direct mail control that NEVER fatigues … and one of the best sales letter openers of all time.
The BANNED Advertising Secret How to (almost) FORCE readership for any ad… without the clickbait baggage.
$1.50 “stealth” envelope vs. $27 FedEx? Selling High Ticket and the $3,000 “Weekend Profits” package.
MEASLY Million a Year in Mail Order… Or a Supplements Brand Selling for HUNDREDS of Millions? (The 3 MAGIC Keys)
Story Selling THRILLER from €1.54 BILLION Fundraiser… This story selling SMASH hit continues its conquest of mailboxes all over parts East… and West.
35 Years of Tweaking and Testing and a CRUSHING Control DOZENS of versions of this TIMELESS ad from 1970 to 2005 — enough to fill a book and present a treatise on the role of testing in advertising!
UNWOKE Ad Triumph… How Ogilvy & Shell Oil SILENCED Greta Thunberg… 24 Years Before She Was Born
55 Trillion Emails NEVER Opened. Hundreds of MAGIC Subject Lines for rocking response.
SMASHING Objections Your Prospects Don’t Even Know They Have… Yet! (Investment Ad Masterpiece from the COPY OGRE)
Shameless Swipers and the Most Knocked Off Diet Copy in History Run an ad like this today only if ORANGE is your favorite color. Prison orange.
Jay A’s Amazing 2-Page AD-VENTURE in USA Today When Jay needed a crash course on today’s winning direct response for a family member… it wouldn’t stun you to know who he called.
The Keepers of the Kingdoms & Selling Luxury Real Estate Here’s a lesson or two in selling high end real estate… from David Ogilvy’s son!
Case Studies in CATASTROPHE (When the FTC Comes a Knockin’) No point in making a fortune if you’ve got to later trade it in for an “orange jumper.”
A STUPID Mistake That Cost an Advertiser $300,000… by the New York Attorney General
Open. Read. Destroy A subject line that took names and kicked backside.
“Magic Charts” that CHURN Out Response and Killer Controls Why do some direct mail controls mail strong for years, while others conk out after six months?
A TREASURY of Language Learning Copywriting Classics
Ad Lessons from the LARGEST Book Publishing Enterprise EVER in Existence (224-page “Dirty Dossier”)
FABULOUS Fascination Ringing the Register… 9 YEARS and Counting!
Renegade Rabbi’s $1.5 Billion Fabulous Fundraising
MAGIC Headline Sold 2.6 MILLION Books PLUS How to Burn a List of 175,000 Paying Subscribers
Billion Dollar TIDAL WAVE… of Anti-Aging Advertising Secrets
Lawrence’s Lessons On LIFETIME Offers (DON’T do it.)
Thank You Mister President… For This Great Copywriting Lead
Winter Winner 2019 Mailbox Gladiatorial Games
Mom’s AMAZING Pineapple Weight Loss Pitch (Mailing 10 Years and Counting)
20 Year BLOCKBUSTER Headline in Foreign Language Learning
The Copywriter Whose Clients Bought Him A Mansion He was the mid 1980s diet kingpin — who became a jailbird — who became the world’s greatest “off the page” beauty copywriter.
Killer 2020’s Supplements Control… and the A.B.A School of Advertising
How Gene Schwartz Got a $536,970 Ad Insertion… for FREE
How to turn a BORING financial bookalog into cloak and dagger murder mystery. If anyone ever tells you financial advertising is boring, show them this bookalog. “Story selling” MAGIC!
Biz-Op Letter VACUUMS Up $480,000 in ‘Small Checks’ in an Afternoon
Ad written on car hood (in 15 minutes) brought in $140 million in a year. Run an ad like this today only if ORANGE is the preferred color in your wardrobe!
The Great Depression of 2020 Here’s a direct mail winner from the world of “crisis copywriting.” A 2020 “junque mail” GIANT!
“H-Bomb on Paper” response booster. Looking for NEW response boosting ideas for your ads? This one’s got the POWER of an H-Bomb.
Some comments from clients, colleagues and friends…
who I bribed asked(!) for a blurb
“I love the mix of past and present which shows that direct mail is still viable today.
I live in London, there is no other way for me to get access to this stuff over here.”
(Ranveer Singh, London Copywriter)
“There are few who can hold a candle to Lawrence Bernstein when it comes to knowledge of direct mail and print advertising, past and present. I turn to him for one reason and one reason only — because he’s a walking encyclopedia. His input has helped me with significant customer events.”
(Perry Marshall, The man’s got a Wiki page.)
“Lawrence, thank you for the deep dive into the treasure filled ocean of winning direct marketing pieces.
Looks like you are not only a triple AAA (addict, advertiser and archivist) direct response genius. You literally BREATHE direct response wisdom.”
(Gabi Weidmann, Top German Copywriter, Arzberg, Germany)
“Lawrence Bernstein is the best — and most obsessed — direct marketing archivist I’ve ever met.
More important than that, he’s one of the best teachers at explaining why all these classic ads and sales letters work like gangbusters. What he offers is truly a multi-million dollar direct response education.
In fact, if you can’t figure out how to cram a copious quantity of cashola into your coffers with what Lawrence offers, I predict a steady stream of name tags, paper hats and “you want fries with that?” in your future.”
(Doberman Dan, www.DobermanDan.com)
“I just want to thank you for creating this.
This is easily the most useful copywriting tool since the invention of the word processor. I’ve gone through nearly a ream of paper printing out great, hard-to-find controls.”
Tricia Geib, Geib Direct

“I have the hard drive plugged in all the time. :)”
(Nik Thakorlal, CEO and Founder of LeadsHook)
“From zero to $20 million in two years… at 25 years of age”
(João Eduardo de Campos, Brazilian supplement selling sensation, Santa Catarina, Brazil)
“Looking for BIG IDEAS that could catapult your copy (and your royalties) into the big leagues?
Lawrence has always been my GO-TO guy for finding direct response blockbusters (recent and back to the beginning of time)…
… that light up the neural pathways, and spark connections and ideas I would have never considered otherwise.
Ad Money Machine is aptly named – a resource no self-respecting direct response copywriter can live without!”
(Kelvin Parker, Kelvin Parker, Direct Response Copywriter, CustomerTriggeredPersuasion.com)
“Lawrence. The truth is I lied ! A few days ago when I messaged you that I had already made the price of admission (7500usd) by just reading half of your direct mail masterpiece well let’s just say it was 10 times that. I thank the Lord for having rediscovered you again.”
(Peter Nicholas, Australian serial entrepreneur and world beating health & beauty brand builder)
“Thanks to your guidance, my business is booming. I literally have more clients than I can handle.”
(Financial copywriter, (Awaiting permission to use his name.)
“I love receiving packages from you. You’re like a Direct-Response Santa.”
(Dr. Karl Blanks, Chairman and Co-Founder of Conversion Rate Experts with clients including: GE, Lloyds, Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Sony, Vodafone and PayPal)
Hi Lawrence,
Your swipe file and commentaries have become the most powerful weapon to boost our response rates.
There’s swipe files and swipe files. I’ve seen nothing that comes close. It’s unique. It’s the Ultimate.
I refer to it over and over, every week and I am still amazed at it’s power.
Plus It often helps to simplify the complicated!
If I told you how many times I made my investment back I would lose all credibility.
Lawrence, I really have to thank you for your very clever and powerful marketing tool. The tool responsible for our surge in sales!
Every company — direct response or not — should get their hands on your membership.”
(Donald James, Aussie Founder and Marketing Veteran, Sydney)
“God, Lawrence, I really appreciate your stuff, so here’s a testimonial:
If you want to succeed gloriously in this business (assuming you have any talent, of course) sit down for a month and read, learn and practice the principles you unearth in this treasury of great stuff. Marvelous!”
(Drayton Bird, Direct marketing legend at 86 years young, Bristol, England)
“You’re one crazy dude to do all this work, but until you get therapy, I’ll take advantage of it with glee!”
(Dr. Jack Booman, Leading Chiro copywriter, Spring Grove, Minnesota)
“As a marketing enthusiast and dedicated student of the craft, I’m constantly searching for valuable insight and information. And once I found YOU (many years ago) I felt like I had finally found what I was looking for.
I was right.
Since that day, EVERY marketing strategy, sales system, retention model, acquisition model, process, advertisement, etc., that I have executed started with FIRST referencing one or more elements from you, your website, or your partners. From my own house ads to ads for my clients, the foundation of everything I have done began with listening to your teachings, or the teachings of those that you reference/endorse. Dead or alive.
I now own and operate a successful digital ad agency with over 50 employees (give or take a few employees depending on economics 😉 and feel as though I owe you more than a bit of gratitude for my success.
(Digital agency founder, received 1/7/14, prefers anonymity)
“I get loads of emails from online marketers looking to sell me stuff to improve my marketing, but I trust Lawrence to deliver quality every time.”
(Jamie Sylvian, London)
“By the way, Lawrence, I should thank you directly…
Back in early November, Michael Masterson and I gave a speech at the AWAI Copy Bootcamp in Delray that dealt, in part, with the value of focusing on one theme rather than many in headlines and leads.
And the example I threw into our Powerpoint came directly from your website (attributed) where you compared two products for better vision. Naturally, I don’t remember much about the convoluted example. But the better version came from Gene S., “Your Eyes Can Heal Themselves…”
I don’t know where you find this stuff, but the examples were invaluable at making a strong point quickly.
I hope some of the 300-400 people present took my advice during the talk and went looking for your site.”
(John Forde, A-List copywriter and Parisian)
“One of the secrets I teach copywriters and marketers who want to be more successful is to be sure they read a great direct response ad every day.
But where do you find an almost limitless supply of great ads to be inspired by?
The best source I have ever found is Lawrence’s site. I’ve been writing copy for more than 40 years now, and I still do my ‘ad-a-day’ thing, just to keep sharp.
I never fail to be inspired with new ideas when browsing through Lawrence’s collection of ads. I would gladly have paid him ten times, even 100 times its price. Investing in your own knowledge is always the greatest investment you can make, and this is one of the smartest ways to do it.”
(Gary Bencivenga, Copywriting legend and founder of the world beating Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club)
This is REALLY GOOD STUFF! Also, GREATLY, appreciate the fact that you blew up the examples and published them in a Tabloid format.
Not everyone would go to the expense of doing that, but its the BEST way to see these examples. Thanks, AGAIN, for making this course available.
(Real estate marketing guru, Name withheld)
“Your manual has been instrumental in me writing an ad that generated over $20,000 in just two weeks, so cudos to you Lawrence.”
(Dr. Ivan Carney, Temecula, California)
“My jaw is literally black and blue from hitting the floor over and over again as I got to see the techniques you’ve uncovered. I never dreamed many of these things were even possible, let alone how easy you’ve made them. The word ‘miraculous’ comes to mind.”
(Ken McCarthy, System Seminar Founder)
“If you want to learn what it really takes to sell – well, every single thing he shows has a lesson. I got two ideas this morning for something I am working on, which is actually a get-rich-slowly-but-surely educational service for marketers.”
(Drayton Bird, David Ogilvy said of him: “Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world.”)
“I want to take a moment to thank you for providing these updates. You are one of those rare marketers who supports his customers LONG after the sale.
(Karl Barndt, Kuncketown, Pennsylvania)
“I want to thank you very much for coming out to Paradise Valley. It was a great day together with you. We very much appreciate your deep knowledge, insight and love and passion for the history and present of our industry.”
(Norman Rentrop, Founder Rentrop Verlag and one of Europe’s biggest direct marketers)
“Lawrence, you are probably the most dedicated direct response scholar I’ve ever met.”
Tony Flores, Financial Copywriter and longtime #1 to Clayton Makepeace
“I think you’re a genius.”
(Christian Godefroy, European direct response legend)
“I saw you on the Gary Bencivenga retirement DVDs that I purchased. Great publicity for you.
I have to tell you, combining Gary’s wisdom with your swipe files is a lethal weapon.
Confidentially, because I’m not a braggart (in fact, you’re the first person I’ve told this to), my design partner and I have beaten A-list, world-class copywriting and design competition – 4 straight times. That’s how much I’ve benefited from–and appreciate – your material.”
(Rich Silver, Crow Moon Marketing, Dahlonega, GA )
“Brilliant examples, great commentary. This one just gave me an idea for a newsletter we’re about to launch that I think will hit large. I don’t know where you find this stuff, but I’m glad you do.”
(John Forde, Paris)
“If Lawrence has got a product for sale, you should get it!”
(Marty Edelston, Direct response legend and Founder of Boardroom Inc.)
Question: “What happens if there’s a snafu after checkout and I cannot successfully register my username and password?”
Answer: Don’t fret, send me an email and I’ll get you squared away. I wish the occasional tech failure wasn’t a part of life, but it is.
Question: “How do I claim the $200 discount?
Answer: Just reply before before the deadline on March 21, 2024 at 10:00 PM Pacific.
Question: “How long will I have access to these ad collections?”
Answer: There is no expiration and no rush to download everything in a day. You can login today, next week and even next year.
Question: “I’ve been reading your emails for a while, but have never purchased anything yet. What do I do once I snag a bug out bag?”
Answer: Every ad in this collection is in “easy to read” and “easy to download” PDF format. I’m partial to Gary “the Great” Bencivenga’s “Ad-a-Day.” Because reading a great ad each day is one of the best ways to strengthen your “copywriting muscles.”
Plus, there’s bountiful “inside information” and thorough explanation, you won’t find anywhere else… to lock in your understanding… and help you implement what you uncover.
Question: “Why are you offering an unconditional 60-day money back guarantee on this one?”
Answer: When I was on “red-alert” and the fire was racing my way, there was no time for attachments. I was ready to hop in the mini-van for a quick egress. Likewise, this one is friction-free.
I’ve thrown a million in resources into this one. There are countless “idea jackpots” awaiting you. But if for some reason you’re not ecstatic, you can claim a friction-free refund within 60 days. No hard feelings — I’ve got a jammed calendar either way.
Question: “I’ve bought some of your products before and been very happy with them. What’s new in this collection?”
Answer: It’s not just one collection but MULTIPLE money-making archives. There’s a TON of “new” old school ads, as well as HOTLINE promos… and more here than most marketers could deploy in five years.
I love long copy as much as the next guy or gal… but it’s time to wrap this up.
I’ve pulled out ALL the stops
Now “the choice is yours” as they say in direct response.
Because you’re a valued subscriber, I’m knocking $200 off the price during this short promotion.
As General MacArthur said: “There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.”
Forget about playing it safe.
There’s abundant opportunity, if you’ve got great ideas… and put ’em to work.
Yours for bolder response,
Lawrence Bernstein
(The world’s most obsessed ad archivist)
P.S. Don’t miss the whopping $200 savings on the Bug Out Bag of Winning Ads.
P.P.S. Act NOW and snag your new secret weapon, the “Billion Dollar Boys of Direct Response”… $1,000 value… YOURS FREE!
Breakthrough Business Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
6890 E. Sunrise Ste. #120-118, Tucson, AZ 85750 USA 866-863-4850
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