No matter your industry… the products or services you sell… or where you sell them…
This all NEW… FREE direct mail Master Course & Video Series — the marketing voyage of a lifetime — can hand you… a BOATLOAD of response in 2021 and beyond.
Here’s my closely guarded, SECRET WEAPON… especially for this chapter of mask madness and lockdown lunacy. Whether your business has flourished or floundered during COVID… if you meet the conditions spelled out below, you’ll discover… in six scintillating weeks…
■ How business builders around the world are COMMANDING response with this “simple letter” and how YOU too can CLONE it in ANY market… whether you’ve been writing copy for 30 years… or 30 days
■ YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT (In July!) The last year and a half was rough for all of us — time for some cheer. Here’s my 3-step multi-million earning “EMAIL-AIRMAIL” campaign. Use it to IMMEDIATELY UNLOCK hidden profits in ANY list… yours or your clients. (REVEALED in FULL on this page!)
■ #1 RECESSION BEATER… learned as a “skin-in-the-game” direct mail marketer… living three miles north of the World Trade Center during 9-11
■ The secret for gliding past any gatekeeper… and compelling customers and prospects alike… to DEVOUR your offers… used by a U.S President, HSBC Bank and some of North America’s biggest mailers
■ Former travel advertising SUPER-affiliate’s pandemic “power pivot”… when all hope seemed lost. Welcome to the world of BUYERS lists… the “final frontier” of fortunes and freedom… in a world big tech tyranny
■ How to MULTIPLY response when selling HIGH TICKET products and services (especially for copywriting and consulting) with the little known “ADVANCE letter”
■ Rival the response of a $27.31 FedEx package… with a 98-cent “MAGIC sales letter?”
■ Hapless old Lawrence’s “kitchen table” direct mail “IMPACT secret” for doing business with a BILLIONAIRE
■ Profit for a decade to come with your ACE IN THE HOLE advertising asset… that can NEVER be slapped, banned, filtered or demonetized. (PLUS… the lead-gen business any savvy marketer can start tomorrow… if your business has ground to a halt today.)
■ And if you’re one of the first 14 to reply… you’ll secure a brand new course that just launched: Shoestring Direct Mail Startups (Insider’s Training). Here’s the HOTTEST little “side hustle” I know… based on twenty years in the marketing trenches… and the the 5-word guiding light from my mentor… “Wealth is an income stream!”
From: Lawrence Bernstein
(The world’s most obsessed ad archivist)
Dear Marketing Friend,
I put down my champagne flute and felt a lump in my throat.
Instead of enjoying a world class breakfast in a 5-star hotel, a sudden thought caused mild panic.
It was fresh after the Argentine Great Depression and the peso was devalued into the ground.
For a traveler from abroad like me, everything in the country was dirt cheap.
How cheap?
The 5-star daily hotel stay, including the luxurious breakfast, cost a barely believable $24 US dollars.
Twenty-four bucks.
It feels good to be on the “winning side of a trade.”
But in that instant over breakfast in Buenos Aires, I realized the law of averages would surely place me on the opposite side one day.
The picture wasn’t pretty in Argentina. Rioting and social unrest were widespread, as massive amounts of capital fled the country and the poverty level shot up to 57.5%.
Indeed, that chaotic picture seemed quite familiar over the summer of 2020, here in the States. And as 2021 progresses, with oil shortages, mounting inflation and soaring crime… it’s beginning to feel like 1979 all over again.
Truth be told…
This oddball ad archivist trekked a lot around South America
from its bustling cities, to hamlets high in the Andes, to the plains of Patagonia, and around the fjords of Cape Horn.

But it was my time traveling in Venezuela that REALLY showed how varied (and VOLATILE!) life can be… as I went from the posh area of Caracas with its fine boutiques… to the dense jungle border with Colombia where the Venezuelan military was fighting it out with FARC guerillas.
Yes, there was a time before this ad archivist was a semi-recluse and traveled every chance he could get. And my suitcases often contained batches of direct mail for test campaigns with a coveted foreign postmark.
My first time in Venezuela was during the early years of the Bolivarian Revolution — just a year after the failed assassination attempt against Hugo Chávez.
And as a fair skinned North American, if you…
Want to talk about looking over your shoulder?
I stuck out wherever I went. Even though my Spanish was solid and I had a decent “sixth sense,” thanks to living in New York City during some rough and tumble years, there were many times I could feel the uncomfortable glances in my direction.

The truth is, even during “the high water mark” of the Bolivarian Revolution, you knew you’d entered a different dimension.
Some of the obvious tip-offs:
– Travelers to Venezuela are FORCED to break the law. That’s because the currency is so soft, anyone who doesn’t trade cash on the black market, loses bushels of bucks with every transaction.
– A FULL tank of gas costs mere pennies — the state oil company subsidizes the price of oil close to free.
– EVERYTHING is about El Libertador: Bolívar statues are in every plaza, the currency is the bolívar and the country is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
There were a couple of “close calls” during my travels, but to this day, I have huge affection for the Venezuelan people.

Here I am with one of Venezuela’s most successful businessmen.
Nelson isn’t on any Forbes type list and likes it that way.
He operated a string of restaurants and shops in the western state of Táchira, on the border with Colombia.
People in the capital used to thumb their noses at “flyover folks” like Nelson.
But while the swells in Caracas were busy hitting the boutiques and expanding their collection of toys, Nelson sought out every traveler and tourist who crossed his path to buy their dollars.
Over twenty years of trading currency (at very favorable rates for the traveler) left Nelson one of the flushest fellows in the country when the bolívar collapsed.
After years of hyperinflation in Venezuela, Nelson isn’t just millions of dollars richer than most everyone else, he’s…
Millions of TIMES richer!
And many of the Caracas yuppies who scoffed at him, now work as personal trainers in Colombia.
Lots has changed in the country since my time there.
The collapse in the price of oil combined with incompetent governance has turned this once wealthy nation into a Weimar Republic.
In some ways, living under the yoke of Covid polices well over a year… makes it feel like the rest of the world has “caught up” with Venezuela.
It’s worth taking stock in 2021.
There’s so much fear and confusion circulating the world, it can make even the hardiest of marketers throw up their hands.
It’s important to get something out of the way before we DIG in. It’s…
The TRUTH about “painless pivots”
What seems like eons ago, during the “15 days to flatten the curve”… the “pandemic pivot” pied pipers came out in force.
Within days, subject lines like these were hitting my inbox.
– “Panic to Prosperity Support Sessions”
– “Pivot or perish”
Eager marketers were pushing solutions before anyone understood the depths of the problems.
Let’s face it, the world’s greatest sales pitch won’t fill most buffets in Vegas casinos.

Over a year later, many industries are still unrecognizable. Friends in the restaurant and hospitality sector have watched their businesses FLATLINE.
It’s the rare company that can make a “painless pivot.”
Sure, if you’ve got a blockbuster supplement that delivers… then a simple HEADLINE CHANGE may be the ultimate painless (and profitable) pivot.
Especially when there’s a large captive audience worried about its immune system.
But even in the supplements world, which has seen a spike in sales and some factories working around the clock to satisfy demand, plenty of marginal supplements have fallen by the wayside due to the plummet in newsstand sales.
As much as it pains me to admit, the collapse in newsstand sales during Covid may be the last nail in the coffin for printed newspapers.
You may be wondering:
“What’s all this got to do with me and my business, Lawrence?”
Good question.
Let me explain.
Over the last year I’ve communicated with scores of marketers and entrepreneurs around the world. Besides finding out what’s going on in other countries, I’ve had near daily opportunity for butchery of Portuguese, French and German.
Obviously, marketing and business were the main topics of conversation… but also living under Covid restrictions and the world of…
Mask madness and lockdown lunacy
If there’s one thing I achieved in 2020, it’s losing that last vestige of political correctness.
I’m too old and too jaded, so I speak freely and let the chips fall where they may.
I’ve made some new friends and lost others.
During a frank Zoom call, a longtime acquaintance took the trouble to admonish me when we got on the topic of masks.
“Lawrence, grab your shotgun and your hound dog, hop in your pickup truck… and head down to the pharmacy for some masks.”
I may have lived in cactus country for seventeen years now, but man… that’s harsh.
I had to correct him.
“Zeus isn’t a hound dog, but a mixed Labrador… and it’s not a pickup truck… it’s a minivan. Besides, I’ve already got a stack of face masks on the counter.”
The fact is…
Covid is like a meat cleaver that’s divided the world in two
I have contacts twenty years younger who live in mortal terror of the old ‘rona… and some twenty years older who go about their lives without giving it much thought.
Don’t get me wrong.
When in public, I wore the mask indoors for all of 2020, including at the gym. I still derive some small satisfaction being able to rep my body weight on the incline bench. Yet I’m aware it must be comical seeing this boomer… covered in lifting powder… and gasping through a surgical mask for the final rep.
And it happened to be in the last summer when it hit me, when a fellow gym-goer asked me in all seriousness:
“Is the weight lifting chalk sanitized?”
At first I thought his question was a brilliant stab at deadpan humor. But he never broke a smile.
I was lost for words.
How do you “sanitize” lifting chalk? I chalk up my hands so the bar doesn’t roll out of my grip and create a WAY bigger threat to my welfare than the old ‘rona. I shrugged and said something like: “We’ll be alright.”
Marketers and entrepreneurs tend to live OUTSIDE the normal parameters of society… and are wired differently than most.
Many were quick to discern early on that Covid regulations are as much about CONTROL as they are about public health.
The very authorities who’ve been imposing these regulations for a year and counting seem to follow the same hypocritical pattern: “Rules for thee, but not for me!”
They prohibited us from eating in a restaurant, going for a haircut or even exercising outdoors… while they were caught on camera in short order doing those very things.
Moreover, some regulations have been so absurd as to beggar belief.
There are hundreds of examples, but this one from the South Australia Police will be near the top of the list when historians look back.

Why Andrea needed to trash hubby in public, no one knows, but it elicited this reply.
“Hi Andrea, You cannot leave the house to walk the dog or to exercise.”
This tweet went viral and was shared around the world.
But in the light of day, it was just TOO MUCH and the South Oz PD yanked it.
The powers that be keep telling us: “Listen to the scientists.”
I do.
And I pay particular heed to this quote on science from a man named one of the ten greatest physicists of all time — Richard Feynman.
“Scientific knowledge is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty — some most unsure, some nearly sure, but none absolutely certain.” (Richard Feynman)
The narrative that science is absolute and 100% certain seems quite unscientific.
Until that day when all of the world’s leading scientists are in agreement about what to do… and how to do it… I’ll continue to think and evaluate things for myself.
Nuff said.
Where was I?
Oh, yeah.
Take it from a direct response veteran who’s long had the best boss and the worst boss… the best employee and the worst… all in one person… ME!
I know many who’ve lost their way over the last trying year and a half, including yours truly a few times.
But I know this too… it’s…
EVERY marketer, copywriter and business builder worth his or her salt must do to MOVE FORWARD in 2021… no matter your industry… the products or services you sell… or where you sell them.
And that’s putting HOT OFFERS… in front of TARGETED prospects… whether your business is riding high — you’re looking to pivot — or you’re somewhere in the middle.
It’s true in good times and bad times alike.
I learned this lesson as a skin-in-the-game direct mail marketer (often hapless) living three miles north of the World Trade Center during 9-11.
After the planes hit the towers that Tuesday morning, everyone was in a state of shock. I sat dazed in my apartment for days.
Once the feeling of paralysis subsided a week or so after the attacks, I couldn’t take sitting on my hands any longer and decided to test a direct mail drop.
When I got to the main post office on 8th Avenue with my small test drop, I was greeted by two armed postal police officers at the base of the sweeping steps.
Before I could get a word out, one of…
The armed postal policemen bellowed at me.
“The post office is closed!”
“What’s going on?” I asked, since it was a weekday morning.
“Don’t you read the papers, pal?” he shot back.
As if things weren’t dark enough in Manhattan after 9-11, the anthrax attacks added a new layer of terror that suddenly landed hundreds of millions of mail pieces in limbo.
I trudged down 8th Avenue back home.
My apartment was a sixth floor walk-up with a view of the Empire State Building and I could walk everywhere I needed to get. Every day, a dozen take-out menus were wedged under my apartment door from an endless parade of delivery boys in the building.
If a mailing bombed and I was strapped, there was always the Cuban-Chinese, Sam Chinita diner down the block that served roast pork Cuban style with yellow rice and black beans for the princely sum of $7.95. One takeout plate was good for three meals.
The surreal atmosphere in Lower Manhattan lasted many months: from the acrid petrol smell that wafted up to 14th Street… to the dump trucks loaded with debris that rumbled down my street at 5:30 in the morning… to the Downtown restaurants and clubs that instantly went from packed to empty.
There was a feeling of shock — but also conviction — that everything would return to normal. And eventually, things did.
Unlike 9-11, after a year of living under Covid, most of the world is concerned about when things will be “back to normal.”
My take?
FORGET about it.
It’s NOT something you should worry about… not only because there’s no point in worrying about what you can’t control, but because…
The REAL danger in a down economy is INACTION
2020 was a COLD BATH for many of my twenty-something clients and colleagues. They’ve NEVER lived through a down market… let alone a recession.
It’s safe to say they’re up to speed by now.
See, no matter the market, the truth is STASIS stinks.
Pulling back to the point of PARALYSIS was widespread after 9-11 and during the 2008 Recession. Businesses across the board — from Fortune 500s to kitchen table entrepreneurs — STOPPED marketing and advertising, sat on their hands, and “waited for things to get better.”
Of course, the very opposite happened for most — a downward spiral.
But guess what?
While competitors cower in the corner, there’s even more OPPORTUNITY for those who show up… and get HOT OFFERS… in front of TARGETED prospects.
There’s a BIGGER picture also.
The pandemic, shutdowns and massive riptide across ALL industries is a challenge of everyone’s marketing mettle — and beyond that, spiritual fortitude.
We’re only on this spinning rock for so long and General Douglas MacArthur said it best: “There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.”
As marketers and copywriters, our offers bring ORDER to the world of our prospects, customers and clients.
Don’t underestimate the importance of this.
Let me cut to the chase.
I’m not only going to hand you a complete, evergreen MARKETING ASSET you can make bank with now… next year… and five years from now… a tested response-getter used by marketers on four continents.
For now, it’s with a BIG dose of holiday cheer that I hand you…
In July!
It’s more than a bit belated, but…
I’ve never seen a simpler way for IMMEDIATELY UNLOCKING hidden profits in ANY good list than this.
The following 3-step EMAIL-AIRMAIL campaign has been used by my clients around the world to capture rabid response… and sell millions worth of products and services.
It’s just a tiny fraction of what’s inside my ALL NEW 6-week course and video series: The “AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE.”
The full scoop on how to snag this $3,000 course FREE… is covered later in this short letter. 🙂
Shall we get started?
Let’s go.
This campaign is SIMPLICITY itself.
The POWERFUL SYNERGY of email and direct mail (with airmail!) works like gangbusters.
And YES(!) you can launch this campaign (with AIRMAIL!) whether your recipients are across town… or on the other side of the globe. ALL the glorious details on that soon.
So…what do you need to run this profit-pulling campaign tomorrow… if you wish?
You’ll need the email addresses and snail mail addresses for the prospects or customers you send this to.
They can be in your own customer file… your client’s or partner’s customer lists… or qualified leads you’ve assembled or rented from a list.
Here’s Step #1: You send an email to your recipient with this subject line.
Subject line: “First name, Airmail letter notification”
Body copy:
“Hello Name,
There’s an important airmail letter en route to your address at:
Your Name
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345
If your mailing information is incorrect, please let me/us know.
Your Name”

Do NOT try to sell anything in the email… do NOT include any “sales copy.”
I realize that can be HARD to turn off for some, but there are times when you should NOT sell.
The purpose of the email is solely to INFORM your recipient to be on the lookout for your airmail letter.
This is part of a PROCESS, not unlike “selling the appointment” in the world of face-to-face selling… make that Zoom selling these days.
When you follow this seemingly spartan approach — you’ve got INTRIGUE working on your side — an undervalued success factor in selling.
But wait… there’s more.
I usually add a generic image of an airmail letter in my email to help my recipient “make the connection.” I also include the option for the recipient to contact me, if his or her postal address has changed. Though it’s not strictly necessary, I’m a purist about keeping a clean and up to date house file.
Make sure your first email hits your target prospect/s 2-3 days BEFORE they receive your airmail letter.

Here’s Step #2: Send the snail mail letter to your recipient with a live 1st Class stamp, just like you would with a personal letter, NOT a meter or bulk rate stamp.
There are two parts to this — first the envelope.
The envelope basics are these. Use a #10 airmail envelope, with nothing in the return address that TELEGRAPHS a sales letter inside.
You want your envelope to look like an irresistible PERSONAL letter… again with a dash of intrigue.

The discreet option for not tipping off your mail recipient that your letter is anything other than PERSONAL… is to stick with the TWO LINES of the return address and OMIT the sender’s name.
A BLUE HANDWRITTEN name and address offer the HIGHEST chances of getting your letter opened, though that may not be practical for everyone.
Next is the actual folded letter inside the #10 envelope.
If you want to get this out the door LIGHTING FAST, use a streamlined one-page or two-page sales letter for your first campaign. After you’ve proved to yourself this works like MAD… you can go for an 8, 10 or 12-page letter, if that’s your cup of tea.
You do NOT need any fancy stock — the paper you’ve already got loaded in your printer should do for a test drop. And in keeping with the PERSONAL look of this letterbox mailing, I like to format my letter to look (you guessed it) personal.
What should your letter say?
Here’s the beauty of this campaign… again… it’s all about SIMPLICITY… and SPEED.
Your airmail letter will have ONE STRONG CTA (call to action) and that’s directing your prospects to a winning landing page.
The CTA on the landing page is completely up to you: whether that’s getting prospects to opt-in, buy something or call you on the phone.
You’re not reinventing the wheel. You’re TETHERING your email-airmail campaign to what’s ALREADY working for you.
And if you’re in PIVOT mode… the email-airmail campaign can help you realize BREAKTHROUGHS FASTER because you’ll be able to round up SOLID feedback about the viability of your offer to your chosen target market.

Here’s Step #3: Schedule an email to go out shortly AFTER you’re reasonably sure your recipient has received your airmail letter. In keeping with the strategy of your first email, DON’T reveal anything about the contents of the airmail letter.
Subject line: “Name, did you get my Airmail letter?”
Body copy:
“Hello Name,
I sent an important letter to your address at:
Your Name
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345
Let me know if you didn’t receive it.
Your Name”
Believe me, this email will NOT go unnoticed and YOU WILL get replies (and sales!) from the prospects in this campaign… whether they’re high powered execs… repeat supplements buyers… or foreign language students.
HOW you reply DEPENDS on you and your market, so there’s no blanket guidance on this one. But having QUALIFIED prospects CHASING YOU is always a good problem to have, no matter what you’re selling.
If you’re using your own house file, here are some possibilities for WHO to target:
– Premier customers
– Hotline customers
– Active customers
– Expireds
– Qualified leads
Don’t underestimate the power of this simple campaign.
For a pittance of $100, you can run this attention commanding campaign to a hundred selected customers on your house file… as soon as tomorrow. And you can sell everything from commodity priced products… to $50 thousand high ticket offers… and beyond.
The truth is… there are NO limits when you’ve got a world class direct mail campaign at your disposal.
Fatigued yet? Grab a cup of java because we’re about to get to the GOOD STUFF.
No, really. 🙂
Let’s mush on.
The Airmail secret… and “40-40-20 power” for pivoters
Pandemic and shutdown… or not… as long as humans inhabit this spinning rock, BUYING… SELLING (and ways for getting rich) will continue no matter what.
And for marketers and copywriters — SELLING ONE TO MANY will always be our focus — it’s the magic of the multiplier effect.
Because whether you’re selling to just a handful of high value prospects or to a million consumers with a common interest, it all boils down to the enormous leverage of direct response and…
The world of the PRIVATE BUBBLE between you and your prospect.
That’s the world of promise, possibility and the power to overcome almost any obstacle.
ONE sales message delivered to the RIGHT prospect at the RIGHT time can turn it all around.
Think about the power of one good sales message.
You can take your prospect…
- From problem to solution
- From confusion to clarity
- From desolation to consolation
- And from fear and doubt… to hope for the future
All in the span of a few printed pages or a screen full of characters.
Yes, especially in our upside-down world of pandemic and shutdown — your prospects desperately need light at the end of the tunnel, now more than ever.
It won’t stun you to know my preferred medium is direct mail.
In fact, I’ll stake it all on this.
No matter where you are or what you’re selling:
Direct mail is your ULTIMATE insurance policy
It was true in that remote and uneventful year of 2019.
And it’s especially so today.
Here’s why.
Direct mail is the ONLY media with guaranteed delivery and attention.
Moreover, YOU are always in control because with direct mail there’s:
— No ad approval
— No campaign suspensions
— No deplatforming
— No inbox jammed with clutter
— No spam filter
— No “distractor factor” of a hundred open browser tabs
The inside of an envelope may be the final frontier of freedom… in a world of increasing big tech tyranny.
And that’s just the beginning.
Because if you’re seeking the attention of..
Players with Money!
Direct mail is your ticket, since most marketers opt for the path of least resistance via the free medium of email.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’ll keep using email till they pry my cold, dead hands from the keyboard.
But there’s nothing like the IMPACT of a real paper and ink direct mail letter when marketing to high profile prospects.
First off, it declares YOU’RE a PLAYER yourself — not some supplicant concerned about a few cents.
Take it from a once hapless consultant who — to his chagrin — experimented with all manner of “hypnotic selling.”
It certainly sounds easy. Recite some canned script in a certain cadence… then ask some question and POOF!… you can get anyone to do as you please.
But guess what? When you try that with a high profile player, you QUICKLY learn that stuff doesn’t work because they’ve seen it all before.
Besides… one GOOD direct mail ASSET makes all that stuff superfluous.

A few years ago, I spent the day consulting with billionaire, Norman Rentrop. He started out as a teenager placing small ads in German newspapers. Today, his companies are among the largest direct mailers in Europe.
Norman rode shogun in the family minivan as we sped through city traffic… never missing a beat during the conversation.
People like Norman are insatiably curious and care about the quality and originality of your ideas — not gimmicks. But you need IMPACT to get through to players like him. Where do you find it? The inside of an envelope is a great start.
That’s not all.
Here’s another BIG advantage of direct mail.
If your letterbox pitch strikes the RIGHT chord with your prospect, she now has something physical and quasi-permanent she can pick up again… unlike that 5-second email on a screen… gone with the click of a mouse.
But no matter the media, some things matter more than others, like: the 40-40-20 success formula.
What’s the 40-40-20 success formula?
Direct mail guru, Ed Mayer’s, maxim is as timeless as it is simple.
The ratio of success in direct marketing is:
- 40% lists (finding the right prospects)
- 40% offer (a HOT product and proposition)
- 20% everything else (the creative copywriters spend time worrying about)
Admittedly, when Ed Mayer devised this brilliant breakdown in the 1960s, there was no digital channel.
And after invoking the ’60s… I can hear ’em now.
The young’uns in the living room are quick to quip:
“Okay, boomer!”
And I shoot back: “Not a boomer.”
Always followed by the constant refrain: “Okay, boomer!”
Guess that’s “pandemic parenting.”
But do you know what?
In spite of all the whizzbang wonders of digital these days, I’m sticking with the simplicity of the original formula.
How important is the 40-40-20 formula
to every living, breathing marketer on planet Earth?
And for any marketer who will ever sell anything to anyone?
It’s vital… it’s KEY… it’s Numero Uno!
Let’s imagine there’s a copywriter so mighty in the field of selling to bass fisherman, his copy absolutely SMASHES everyone who dares to challenge.
(Alright, I’m living out a fantasy here. Indulge me.)
Lesser writers — like a gym of amateur, lightweight boxers going up against the world heavyweight champion — are flattened in five seconds.
That happens to every challenger who tests the waters.
Now imagine, not only is this sport fishing copywriter so dominant in his market, but he promotes a product coveted by every bass fisherman worth his sea salt.
Topping it off, there’s an IRONCLAD patent on this product which STOPS every lowdown, creepy knockoff artist from marketing a competing product.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
Not so fast!
That’s where the 40-40-20 rule comes in.
It’s like a stool that needs three legs to stand — two are useless without the third.
Because guess what happens when…
The mightiest copywriter
promotes the market’s HOTTEST product…
to the WRONG list?
I’ll tell you.
No matter how cracking a product and promo, if it’s put in front of the WRONG audience, it’s dead on arrival.
– Home gardening offers sent to city dwellers
– Men’s health pitches mailed to women
– Gourmet sausage catalogs addressed to vegetarians
All like shooting blanks into an empty well.
Bottom line?
The list factor in the 40-40-20 formula, though equal numerically to the offer factor, will always be Numero Uno.
Because a mediocre offer in the hands of the RIGHT prospect CLOBBERS a world class promotion reaching the wrong one.
Quick hypothetical.
Let’s say you’ve got a HOT as blazes offer and a solid list of mail order respondents who’ve previously bought a product or service JUST like yours.
You wisely opt for sending your prospects a direct mail sales pitch.
Maybe you’ve never mailed a direct mail solicitation for cold hard cash yet.
Perhaps, you’re a veteran who’s sent over a hundred million pieces.
Either way… what you’re about to discover may not at first sound…
…but when it comes to GRABBING RESPONSE with direct mail promotions, this one can potentially add millions to your bottom line over the course of your marketing lifetime.
And it all starts with the lowly envelope.
Let me explain.
This little known way of practically FORCING your prospects (and customers!) to OPEN your envelope is one of the world’s GREAT response getting loopholes.
Why does this matter?
It’s simple.
If your envelope isn’t opened, the sale is LOST.
I’ve rambled on about this before, but let this non-boomer recap.
I’m flat out OBSESSED with direct mail and I’ve spent more than a million bucks over the years seeding my name (and aliases!) on direct mail buyer and prospect lists.
I’ve consulted and worked with hundreds of marketers and copywriters from all corners of the globe — from pumped-up newcomers, ready to conquer the world… to serial entrepreneurs, founders and copy chiefs.
Yet it never gets old.
The sheer excitement of receiving world class direct mail never fades.
– Do you think I don’t rejoice when a tabloid sized Dr. Sinatra magalog touches down in my mailbox?
– Do you imagine I’m not bug-eyed when the latest Stansberry bookalog hits home?
– Fancy that I’m not jumping for joy as a Great Courses catalog comes careening through the front door?
This able borrower has a long track record.
And Ogilvy’s timeless adage stills a larcenous heart:
“Originality is the most dangerous word in the lexicon of advertising.”
As much as I relish the production values in these mailings, I’m a bootstrap entrepreneur at heart.
And when I need to get a mailing out the door NOW, it’s a #10 envelope for me — the most commonly used envelope in the world.
The reasons are simple.
– No art department needed
– No lettershop required
– No long turn around time
And there’s the added satisfaction of putting those kids to work who keep ribbing me about being a boomer and all.
Just as the 40-40-20 formula crystallizes the SUCCESS ratio in direct marketing, so does this when it comes to envelope approaches.
Sneak Up vs. Junk Up
No confusion about which is which here.
The sneak up approach follows Gary Halbert’s precept and looks like a personal letter — perhaps from your old Aunt Edna — if you had an Aunt Edna.
And since the sneak up style bears no teaser copy on the envelope, the world’s fittest mail recipient won’t throw away unopened an envelope with “weight loss stunner.”
What defines sneak-up? The top envelope’s got:
– A hand addressed appearance
– Concealment of the identity of the sender… with a discreet return address and…
– Use of live stamp
Who sent it?
You’ve gotta OPEN the envelope to find out. Bingo! One of the big response crippling problems is solved.
And the bottom envelope?
The billboard sized font of the teaser copy — WEIGHT LOSS STUNNER — is something your neighbor can read from across the road.
That’s the “junk up” approach.
Bill Jayme, the ultra-refined, world beating copywriter, preferred the classier ring of “junque mail.”
For those of us who don’t have a dialed in list segment or offer for “eat one kind of fruit before meals,” we’ll stick with sneak up.
But here’s…
The problem with “sneak-up” envelopes
Prospects have been getting them for decades and can spot a camouflaged sales letter.
Most will recognize this is NOT a personal letter from dear Aunt Edna.
Here’s what gives it away.

– The handwriting font is a little too perfect
– The stamp isn’t 1st Class, but bulk rate
– And Aunt Edna most likely doesn’t use an intelligent barcode on her envelopes
What to do if you’re after MAXIMUM response… and virtually assuring your envelope gets OPENED?
Here it is.
The AIRMAIL envelope mailed domestically!
I’ve been sending airmail sales letters for close to two decades.
When traveling in far-flung places like:
– Ukraine
– Vatican City
– Venezuela
When abroad, I’m often compelled to drop what I’m doing and head for the nearest post office.
To send a batch of sales letters back the United States. It’s the only way to answer insomnia inducing questions like: “What effect does a Venezuelan postmark have on response rates.”

But of course, it’s not just the foreign postmark.
It’s the TOTAL ensemble with the:
– Trademark red, white and blue airmail border.
– Classic airmail mark with the multi-lingual: “Via Air Mail, Correo Aereo, Par Avion”
– A live stamp
– REAL handwriting
And guess what?
Airmail envelopes can be mailed ACROSS TOWN just as routinely as to a foreign country… no matter where you live.
More on that in a moment.
But first the customary disclaimer.
I’m not an attorney (nor the Postmaster General) and I don’t play one on the Internet. If you need legal advice, find a qualified attorney in the place/s you do business for compliance with your local laws and regulations.
Glad that’s outta the way.
Where was I?
Oh, yeah…
What mail recipient could resist opening THIS envelope!?
In a word:
My clients and I have mailed these packages on four continents… from 2-page warm-ups that direct recipients online… to full-blown 32-page sales letters.
I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to use it in your business… in FULL glorious detail… over six scintillating weeks… and it’s YOURS FREE during this launch offer.
These “airmail sneak-ups” are floating through postal systems far and wide today.
Recipients ALWAYS OPEN this mail piece, even though they may not recognize the sender.
Because when someone’s taken the trouble to send you a personal looking airmail letter from a far away land (or even from across the street) it stokes CURIOSITY like nothing else.
You may know of Herschell Gordon Lewis‘ observation:
“The only purpose of the carrier envelope, other than keeping its contents from spilling out onto the street, is to get itself opened.”
But there’s one thing Herschell’s trusty rule omits.
And that’s:
The INTRIGUE Factor!

The mail recipient should have a mild feeling of ASTONISHMENT when a letter lands in her hands.
And the same way you and I examine the sender field when an email hits our inbox, direct mail recipients first look at the return address on an envelope.
You may be wondering:
“So, what’s with the image of Simón Bolívar and the Ciudad Bolívar return address, Lawrence?”
Good question.
You already know my preference for South America… especially as it relates to direct mail.
What could be catchier sounding than Ciudad Bolívar?
It’s a return address I’ve used countless times.
But as much as I’ve traveled in Venezuela, I’ve never set foot in Ciudad Bolívar.
So, why use it?
I’m NOT interested in following convention…
with this often ignored part of the envelope — I’m after creating INTRIGUE and getting my envelope opened!
If you’re clever, there are countless ways to work things into the copy and no one’s ever claimed I’ve tricked them into opening an envelope.
And, YES, when you’re paying full freight for postage, you can put WHATEVER you want in the return address.
If you fancy a picture of George Washington in the return address area… and commence your sales letter with the oft told cherry tree myth… you’re free to do so.
Simply put, using airmail for direct mail marketing is one of the greatest response-getters I know.
Because as long as you’re paying 1st Class postage:
No one can stop you from launching
a response grabbing Airmail campaign right now
I can’t tell you how many times people from all corners INSIST airmail envelopes are ONLY for foreign mail.
The fact is, Airmail as a class of mail, hasn’t even existed in the United States since 1977 — it was replaced by 1st Class postage.
But since I can’t convince them otherwise, here’s what I do.
First I tell them: “Try sending an airmail letter to yourself.” Use whatever the normal postage is and wait a day or two to receive it.
If they’re still antsy about it I’ll tell them — as I recently did with a client in Perth: “If you don’t believe me, just contact Australia Post.”
They’ll get a reply like this:

That’s the loophole — most of the world is conditioned to the idea that airmail envelopes are only for foreign mail.
You can easily prove to yourself that’s not the case.
No matter where you call home, you’ll most likely get a reply like the one above, where the postal employee will tell you there is NOTHING against using an Airmail envelope within your own borders, but try to steer you for something faster like Express Post.
We’re NOT after speed… we’re after RESPONSE
But it’s hard to explain this to the local post office.
So don’t bother.
Your contribution to the overhead of your national postal service is what keeps them in business.

Whatever you do, DON’T go for a windowed envelope or use a meter mark.
Use a live 1st Class stamp just… like Aunt Edna would.
QUESTION: “I’ve bought your products before and been very happy with them. How am I getting this high-end 6-week training for free?”
ANSWER: “We all need an extra money making trick or two for 2021 — so, why not hand you a BIG BAG of tested, response-getting tricks? You can secure your 6-week “AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE” training… by swinging for a front row seat to Ad Money Machine for 90 days.
The cost is a one-time $297 during this promo. You’ll immediately be ready to “pillage and profit” with HUNDREDS of “Case Studies in Cash Creation.”… and THOUSANDS of winning ads. Plus, your 90-day access fits hand in glove with the six week training.
QUESTION: “I’ve been on your list for quite a while. This six week course sounds exciting. Is there any forced or hidden continuity, if I take you up on this offer?”
ANSWER: I’ll tempt you to stay after three months… but no… there’s no “forced” or hidden continuity. You’re locked and loaded after your one time payment of $297.
QUESTION: “For how long will I have access to the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE training?”
ANSWER: You’ll have indefinite access to the training videos, copy templates and course materials with your unique login.
This training will be just as valuable five years from now because it’s entirely EVERGREEN in nature… for as long as there’s direct response buying and selling.
QUESTION: “When does the six week training begin?”
ANSWER: It’s kicked off already with plenty of content published… and we’re just getting warmed up.
QUESTION: “What happens if there’s a snafu after checkout and I cannot successfully register my username and password?”
ANSWER: Don’t fret, send me an email (lawrence(at) and I’ll get you squared away. I wish the occasional tech failure wasn’t a part of life, but it is.
QUESTION: “Lawrence, you already gave me the lowdown on the fantastic airmail-email campaign, thanks. Why do I need the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE?”
ANSWER: Pardon, but I’m partial to food metaphors. If you told me you hadn’t eaten a bite all day, you might be grateful for a bowl of pretzels I passed you… but you’d be over the top for a three-course gourmet meal.
The AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE can whip up a LOT of gourmet cooking for you for years to come and the airmail-email campaign is just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll have the COMPLETE direct mail system… and a MARKETING ASSET to put to work for you in any market you choose.

written years ago
QUESTION: “Do marketers and copywriters really use your Ad Money Machine site in their businesses… is this normal?”
ANSWER: I’m not fit to speak about normalcy. After all, how many ad archivists field phone calls at midnight? It was actually near 2:00 am when a British marketer rang me last summer about the “Female Obama” package. Thankfully this doesn’t happen too often.
But I can tell you… YES!… more marketers and copywriters than you could fathom are SERIOUS about getting their hands on winning advertising and many are in countries outside North America, like: Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand the UK and dozens more countries.
Many have told me over the years that they’d have no chance at studying winning direct response advertising otherwise. For many, their membership has become their response winning SECRET WEAPON… because…
EVERYTHING starts with a good idea… whether it’s an idea for a sales letter… a product or product line… or even a business. When you get your hands on this bounty of winning advertising… you’re TUNED into direct response like never before.
And as much as outsiders refuse to believe it, advertising copywriters wrote many of today’s news headlines years in advance, like “The Coming Plague” from 2016.
QUESTION: “I’m already a member of your Ad Money Machine. What happens to my subscription if I enroll in your new “AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE” training?
ANSWER: “Your next scheduled renewal will be pushed back 90 days… and I’ll mail you an additional “Christmas present.”
NON-QUESTION: “Direct mail doesn’t work.”
ANSWER (with a question): “Have you ever tried it?” I’ll reply to these know-it-alls. Incredibly, half the time, they’ll answer, “NO.” They’re not timid about sharing third hand information they’re certain of though.
And for the other half who answer “YES,” I’ll ask: “What was your CTA?” Most require an explanation that C.T.A. stands for “call to action.” Usually they’ll admit to mailing a “branded” brochure with NO call to action.
The truth is direct mail is a superpower in the right hands and no one can ever outbid you for the price of a stamp.
QUESTION: “Will your AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE training include a rolodex and resource guide for everything I need for my own campaigns?”
ANSWER: The beauty of the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE is simplicity, but no stone is left unturned. You’ll have my complete rolodex of vetted vendors… and everything you need… both for a “kitchen table” campaign… as well as trusted lettershop resources for mailing in the millions.
Even though this campaign is simplicity itself, we’ll deep dive into this exciting and lucrative channel of direct mail, including: the “secret sauce” for supercharging response with your airmail campaigns, winning copy templates, response boosting stamps and stampers, the world of airmail envelopes, best sources for list hygiene… and so much more.
QUESTION: “How much will it cost me to mail a letter with the Airmail Advantage?
ANSWER: In the States it costs around 98 cents to send a single airmail letter… using 1st Class postage… including the “secret sauce” for catapulting response.
QUESTION: “Will the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE work in my market and for the products and services I sell?”
ANSWER: If you’ve successfully sold with direct response before, the answer is a resounding YES!
QUESTION: Will the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE really go for $2,997… later in 2021… once the course is in the can?
QUESTION: “I need to pivot now, what should I do?”
ANSWER: Again, I’m not the pied piper of pivots, but after beating 40-40-20 to death, you’ll appreciate even more, the need to get good offers in front of viable prospects. Your skills as a marketer and business builder are NOT defined by the market you’re in at the moment… or used to be in.
A friend of a colleague was a super affiliate in the world of travel advertising. He watched his revenue vaporize in March and thought all hope was lost. After some downtime, he realized that wasn’t the case. He tapped into the universe of buyer’s lists and is now up and running in the world of alternative health.
QUESTION: You mentioned: “If you can meet the conditions spelled out in this letter.” Is there anyone this offer is NOT for?
ANSWER: Indeed, this offer is NOT for dreamers, dabblers and voyeurs. Take it from Taleb. My wife’s grad school professor, Nassim Taleb, popularized the expression, “skin in the game.” (He was never a mellow fellow.) Without skin in the game, there is no game. For those looking to “collect things” on their hard drives, do us both a favor and take a pass.
Here’s another prime example.

Do yourself a favor and avoid these types at all costs.
You’ve almost certainly heard of “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches.” This fellow actually wrote a letter to the newspaper with the caveat “…before I invest my $10.” Someone who needs this level of “decision insurance” over a bagatelle, isn’t likely to do anything… even with a foolproof plan served on a silver platter.
Back to the main act.
The AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE will hand you… a response getting ARSENAL for 2021 and beyond… no matter your business… or industry.
Because more so today than ever, it comes down to…
A goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds.
That’s one second longer than humans, according to a Microsoft study.
Wake up.
It’s been 9 seconds.
Seriously, for those of us in marketing, it’s no laughing matter.
Because our prospects and customers see an average of 4,000 marketing messages a day.
And most of them will be GONE after 9 seconds.
What this means is you’ve got a 1-in-4,000 chance to make a sale to any given prospect today.
You’ve got IMPACT!
And speaking of which, here’s my…
This scintillating 6-week course and video series — the marketing journey of a lifetime — launched last month… and is just getting warmed up.
You can secure a front row seat today and save $3,000 not only because you’re one of Michael Senoff’s valued subscribers… but because I’d like a few good “anchor tenants” ready to pillage and profit with this unique training… and perhaps… help me spread the word about this lucrative direct mail system.
I guarantee… if you don’t yet possess a money-making, direct mail SUPERPOWER… you will by the time we pull into port on week six.
How can I make such a bold claim?
Besides having dozens of clients around the world who deploy it day in and day out in multiple markets — also used by a U.S President, HSBC Bank and some of North America’s biggest mailers — I’m partial to this Bruce Lee quote.
“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” (Bruce Lee)
Once you acquire this STIFF left jab in your marketing arsenal… you’ll never be he same.
This is the ACE IN THE HOLE advertising asset… that can NEVER be slapped, banned, filtered or demonetized.
Announcing The “Airmail Advantage”
You’ll have EVERYTHING to CAPTURE RESPONSE at will… no matter your industry… the products or services you sell… or where you sell them.
And if you’re looking to pivot… or to BRANCH OUT into new markets… my new MASTER COURSE will be the perfect way to ring in the New Year.
Here’s a taste of what we’ll cover:
■ How old Lawrence’s direct mail SECRET SAUCE… SMASHES a $6.2 billion company’s package… and how you can CLONE it in your market in an afternoon
■ Every direct mail trick in the book for turning little lists… into BIG RESPONSE… again and again
■ Ray Kroc’s “inventing FASTER than they can steal” secrets… for foiling knock-offs FOREVER
■ The secret for gliding past any gatekeeper… and compelling customers and prospects alike… to DEVOUR your offers… used by a U.S President, HSBC Bank and some of North America’s biggest mailers
■ How to MULTIPLY response when selling HIGH TICKET products and services (especially for copywriting and consulting) with the little known “ADVANCE letter”
■ How to launch an EXCITING, NEW and potentially lucrative SYSTEM for making money from other peoples’ businesses… specifically PWMs (Players with Money). I’ll show you exactly WHERE and HOW to find eager CASH IN HAND CLIENTS… and the IRRESISTIBLE offer to put in front of them. Perfect for pivoters… Shoestring Direct Mail Startups (Insider’s Training) has just launched in June of 2021 and you’ll have a front row seat for the entire course.
■ How to rival the response of a $27.31 FedEx package… with a 98-cent “MAGIC sales letter”
■ Hapless old Lawrence’s “kitchen table” direct mail “IMPACT secret” for doing business with a BILLIONAIRE
■ And much more
The AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE is a complete, evergreen MARKETING ASSET you can make bank with now… next year… and five years from now… a tested response-getter used by marketers on four continents.
And it fits hand in glove with this.
Rumor has it the head librarian of Alexandria had a scroll under each arm as he ran out of the burning building.
One was the Epic of Gilgamesh.
The other was the Kama Sutra.
I think I would have relished an apprenticeship at the old library.
Just as the fire at Alexandria robbed humanity of many of the ancient writings in the library’s holdings, living under Covid has likewise taken a lot out of all of us.
But do you know what can NEVER be stripped away… no matter what goes down in the world around us?
It’s WINNING IDEAS. Because if you’ve got those, you have the means to get it all back and then some.
They’re your most valuable asset. And you’ll find none better than Ad Money Machine for:
Winning advertising and marketing ideas!
Ad Money Machine CUTS THROUGH the clutter… DISSOLVES information overload… and DELIVERS the response getting goods.
Let me explain… with a quick example.

How do you sell 17 MILLION bottles of supplements?
And why is “Trash Your Vitamin Box” a RUNAWAY direct mail success story of 2020?
It’s as potent as it is concise.
Because the headline captures in four words a POWERFUL USP (unique selling proposition) EVERYONE can grasp.
It’s this…
“Why Gag on a Dozen Supplements Every Day (and Spend a Fortune), When ONE Simple Supplement Is All You Need…?”
The truth is…
You’ll learn more from one mailbox SMASH HIT…
than a hundred possibly second rate promotions floating around online.
Because paying postage makes you a BETTER marketer and copywriter. Ditto for studying the mailings of companies who have MILLIONS in ad spend every year.
Ad Money Machine is a TREASURY of… powerful USPs… subscription selling masterpieces… high ticket selling secrets… and the DNA of blockbuster products.
There are HUNDREDS of “Case Studies in Cash Creation.”… and THOUSANDS of winning ads.
As Jay Abraham popularized in the headline of a recent entry: “A business strategy that may be common as dirt in one industry can have the effect of an atomic bomb in an industry in which it has never been used before.”
That’s why Ad Money Machine goes WAY BEYOND health and wealth.
Sure, you’ll find TONS of investment newsletter pitches, trading advisories, supplement promos and alternative health magalogs.
But they’re FAR from the be-all and end-all of direct response.
There are also GIANT categories… like these:
Business Development, Corporate Advertising, Chiro & Dental, Prepper Pitches, Educational Advertising, Food Copy, Fundraising, Travel Advertising… even Religion, Philosophy & History
Your next million dollar idea may be mere moments away.
But first a…
WARNING! If you’re looking for fancy graphics or “java jumping jacks”… Ad Money Machine is NOT for you.
But if you’d like to tap into the power of winning direct response… and countless IDEA JACKPOTS for you and your business… without spending a million on products and subscriptions…. you’ve come to the right place.
Because if you’re in the business of selling one-to-many… you’ll have more:
REAL world, money-making ideas…
than any marketer or copywriter can deploy in five years… no matter your industry… no matter where you’re located.
Here’s a small fraction of what’s in store:
BITCOIN & blockchain mailbox BLOCKBUSTER of 2021… Secrets of “subscription selling” that built a half-billion dollar business
Ultimate ANTI-AGING advertising… 44 GIANT pages and over one BILLION dollars in sales. Everything from world class health and beauty copy… to luscious layouts… to pitching product lines in print… plus product naming and positioning
ULTIMATE product positioning (The world’s most powerful money manual)… How to sell 100,000 home study courses at $195 to brand new customers
40 LIFE CHANGING pages that could turn YOU into a fabulous fascination writer… even if you’ve never written one before!
How to run 100,000 ads in print that NEVER fatigue. Likely the ad with the MOST insertions in the history of BIZ-OP.
Tiny bookalog… HUGE response… Perhaps the greatest direct mail “sneak-up” in history… and a lift-letter so crafty… it fooled even me
The most DANGEROUS ad in history? You’ll learn more about WINNING proof elements from this one ad… than any ten advertising textbooks… even though the advertiser was fined $61 million!
POWER profits with pattern interruption and “re-positioning”… Contrarian copywriter’s secret for forcing readership and response
Swiping A-Z Video Series… When the world’s best copywriter swipes from THIS classic… twice!
MEASLY million a year in mail order… or a supplements brand selling for HUNDREDS of millions? (The 3 MAGIC keys)
Marketing secrets of the world’s largest chiropractic franchise… 24-page BLUEPRINT for creating a world beating franchise
12-page sales letter moves a MOUNTAIN of $995 a year subscriptions… without any fancy graphic design.
Secrets of an UNBEATABLE 27-year “double control” in direct mail… and print… PLUS contrarian advice on why “beating the control” could be a BIG waste of your time… from the winning copywriter himself
100-year old response booster SMASHES your prospect’s most common (and hidden) objections. 21-page digital dossier for ratcheting up response… from those prospects who normally say “No!”
Secrets of EVERGREEN products that sell… for decades… and “Why a gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen.” Thanks, Gary.
Boiler room on paper…”Pandemic creates potential stock boom of the decade.” This newspaper mailing is the epitome of Marshall McLuhan’s maxim, “the medium is the message”
Lead magnets that LAND 150,000 paying subscribers… A lesson on how to arouse SERIOUS desire in prospects… and fill your coffers from oodles of paying subscribers
55 TRILLION emails NEVER opened… One thousand MAGIC subject lines for rocking response in 2021 and beyond
The “Super Consultant” package… Home study selling secrets… PLUS… How to FORCE readership with the… “Why I hate (blank)” lift letter.
World’s WEIRDEST lead gen lesson… from 20th Century electric guitar marketers… who made a MINT
My mailman can (STILL) quote this magalog… World’s winningest alt-health copywriter’s response rocking TUNE-UP… on a tired 10-year old piece
2 MAGIC HEADLINES battle it out… and the winner is… Welcome to the “mailbox gladiatorial games”
Direct Response Players Volume 1 (200+ Pages of Power Persuasion) The ultimate ad collection of two billion dollar selling marketers PLUS their massive 364 ad swipe file for nearly every market known to man.
LEGACY programs that land response…”Why I Will Pay You $4,768 To Cancel Your Subscription Right Now”
Fabulous Forbes funnels and “The One Stock to Buy in July”… Secrets of the perennial winner to the Forbes’ house file
Biz-op letter VACUUMS up $480,000 in ‘small checks’ in an afternoon… and the “Obi-Wan Kenobi” of biz-op
Self-defense package my mailman knows by heart… The envelope teaser copy propelled this winner for two solid years.
“CUSTOM Villas” luxury real estate classic... sold BIG on both sides of the Atlantic
FABULOUS fascination ringing the register… 9 YEARS and counting!
A TREASURY of language learning copywriting classics
Mel Martin’s subscription selling and POWER pricing… The power of CONTRAST that gets prospects’ greed glands going
Ad lessons from the LARGEST book publishing enterprise EVER in existence (224-page “Dirty Dossier”)
You must be over 21… to read this headline?
MAGIC headline sold 2.6 MILLION books PLUS… How to burn a list of 175,000 paying subscribers
The BIG bookalog that launched a thousand copywriting careers… A 21st Century direct mail list topper for POWER product positioning.
Selling Beethoven by the BOATLOAD… A towering Time-Life offer that ran for years
Mom’s AMAZING pineapple weight loss pitch… (Mailing 11 Years and Counting)
World’s greatest AFFILIATE marketing model? Some things are too good to share… but here it is. An EVERGREEN concept in cash creation with the power of niches.
The copywriter whose clients bought him a mansion… He was the mid 1980s diet kingpin — who became a jailbird — who became the world’s greatest “off the page” beauty copywriter.
Killer supplement controls… and the “A.B.A school” of advertising. One of the greatest weapons in the advertiser’s arsenal… and the ONLY format to get through in certain markets and niches.
The Keepers of the Kingdoms & Selling Luxury Real Estate Here’s a lesson or two in selling high end real estate… from David Ogilvy’s son!
Simple PERSUASION BLUEPRINT… from a 60 year copywriting veteran to pocket over $100 million. (In his own words… shared in a personal email)
“God, Lawrence, I really appreciate your stuff, so here’s a testimonial:
If you want to succeed gloriously in this business (assuming you have any talent, of course) sit down for a month and read, learn and practice the principles you unearth in this treasury of great stuff. Marvelous!”
(Drayton Bird, Direct marketing legend, London)
“There are few who can hold a candle to Lawrence Bernstein when it comes to knowledge of direct mail and print advertising, past and present. I turn to him for one reason and one reason only — because he’s a walking encyclopedia. His input has helped me with significant customer events.”
(Perry Marshall, The man’s got a Wiki page.)
“From zero to $20 million in two years… at 25 years of age”
(João Eduardo de Campos, Brazilian direct response entrepreneur)
“Looking for BIG IDEAS that could catapult your copy (and your royalties) into the big leagues?
Lawrence has always been my GO-TO guy for finding direct response blockbusters (recent and back to the beginning of time)…
… that light up the neural pathways, and spark connections and ideas I would have never considered otherwise.
Ad Money Machine is aptly named – a resource no self-respecting direct response copywriter can live without!
(Kelvin Parker, Kelvin Parker, Direct Response Copywriter,
“Lawrence. The truth is I lied ! A few days ago when I messaged you that I had already made the price of admission (7500usd) by just reading half of your direct mail masterpiece well let’s just say it was 10 times that. I thank the Lord for having rediscovered you again.”
(Peter Nicholas, Australian serial entrepreneur and world beating health & beauty brand builder)
“Thanks to your guidance, my business is booming. I literally have more clients than I can handle.”
(Financial copywriter, (Awaiting permission to use his name.)
“I love receiving packages from you. You’re like a Direct-Response Santa.”
(Dr. Karl Blanks, Chairman and Co-Founder of Conversion Rate Experts with clients including: GE, Lloyds, Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Sony, Vodafone and PayPal)
“If I told you how many times I made my investment back I would lose all credibility.
Lawrence, I really have to thank you for your very clever and powerful marketing tool. The tool responsible for our surge in sales!
Every company — direct response or not — should get their hands on it. If you don’t make at least 25 times or more on your investment I don’t think you opened the package and followed the step by step instructions.
(Direct response founder, Anonymous)
“You’re one crazy dude to do all this work, but until you get therapy, I’ll take advantage of it with glee!”
(Dr. Jack Booman, Leading Chiro copywriter, Spring Grove, Minn.)
“As a marketing enthusiast and dedicated student of the craft, I’m constantly searching for valuable insight and information. And once I found YOU (many years ago) I felt like I had finally found what I was looking for.
I was right.
Since that day, EVERY marketing strategy, sales system, retention model, acquisition model, process, advertisement, etc., that I have executed started with FIRST referencing one or more elements from you, your website, or your partners. From my own house ads to ads for my clients, the foundation of everything I have done began with listening to your teachings, or the teachings of those that you reference/endorse. Dead or alive.
I now own and operate a successful digital ad agency with over 50 employees (give or take a few employees depending on economics 😉 and feel as though I owe you more than a bit of gratitude for my success.
(Digital agency founder, received 1/7/14, prefers anonymity)
“I get loads of emails from online marketers looking to sell me stuff to improve my marketing, but I trust Lawrence to deliver quality every time.”
(Jamie Sylvian, London)
“By the way, Lawrence, I should thank you directly…
Back in early November, Michael Masterson and I gave a speech at the AWAI Copy Bootcamp in Delray that dealt, in part, with the value of focusing on one theme rather than many in headlines and leads.
And the example I threw into our Powerpoint came directly from your website (attributed) where you compared two products for better vision. Naturally, I don’t remember much about the convoluted example. But the better version came from Gene S., “Your Eyes Can Heal Themselves…”
I don’t know where you find this stuff, but the examples were invaluable at making a strong point quickly.
I hope some of the 300-400 people present took my advice during the talk and went looking for your site.”
(John Forde, A-List copywriter and Parisian)
“Lawrence is the world’s greatest direct response researcher.”
(Gary Bencivenga, Copywriting legend)
This is REALLY GOOD STUFF! Also, GREATLY, appreciate the fact that you blew up the examples and published them in a Tabloid format.
Not everyone would go to the expense of doing that, but its the BEST way to see these examples. Thanks, AGAIN, for making this course available.
(Real estate marketing guru, Name withheld)
“Your manual has been instrumental in me writing an ad that generated over $20,000 in just two weeks, so cudos to you Lawrence.”
Dr. Ivan Carney, Temecula, CA
“My jaw is literally black and blue from hitting the floor over and over again as I got to see the techniques you’ve uncovered. I never dreamed many of these things were even possible, let alone how easy you’ve made them. The word ‘miraculous’ comes to mind.”
(Ken McCarthy, System Seminar Founder)
“If you want to learn what it really takes to sell – well, every single thing he shows has a lesson. I got two ideas this morning for something I am working on, which is actually a get-rich-slowly-but-surely educational service for marketers.”
(Drayton Bird, David Ogilvy said of him: “Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than anyone in the world.”)
“I want to take a moment to thank you for providing these updates. You are one of those rare marketers who supports his customers LONG after the sale.
(Karl Barndt, Kuncketown, Penn.)
“I want to thank you very much for coming out to Paradise Valley. It was a great day together with you. We very much appreciate your deep knowledge, insight and love and passion for the history and present of our industry.”
(Norman Rentrop, Founder Rentrop Verlag and one of Europe’s biggest direct marketers)
“Lawrence, you are probably the most dedicated direct response scholar I’ve ever met.”
Tony Flores, Financial Copywriter and longtime #1 to Clayton Makepeace
“I think you’re a genius.”
(Christian Godefroy, European direct response legend)
“I saw you on the Gary Bencivenga retirement DVDs that I purchased. Great publicity for you.
I have to tell you, combining Gary’s wisdom with your swipe files is a lethal weapon.
Confidentially, because I’m not a braggart (in fact, you’re the first person I’ve told this to), my design partner and I have beaten A-list, world-class copywriting and design competition – 4 straight times. That’s how much I’ve benefited from–and appreciate – your material.”
(Rich Silver, Crow Moon Marketing, Dahlonega, GA )
“Brilliant examples, great commentary. This one just gave me an idea for a newsletter we’re about to launch that I think will hit large. I don’t know where you find this stuff, but I’m glad you do.”
(John Forde, Paris)
“If Lawrence has got a product for sale, you should get it!”
(Marty Edelston, Direct response legend and Founder of Boardroom Inc.)
It’s high time we wrap this up.
You’ve heard it said before.
You get what you pay for…
Sometimes you get much more.
That’s the promise of direct response, isn’t it?
Because direct response is all about achieving what outsiders consider impossible.
You’ve likely read and written your share of sales letter closes.
The copywriter uses a typical value build, usually with references to products and services with defined prices, ranging from a cup of Starbucks to an Ivy League education.
But that’s tough to do here.
That’s because the Airmail Advantage Master Class is unique in the world of direct response education.
You’re only moments away from ALL the RESPONSE your heart desires in 2021 and beyond.
Hope to see you on the other side.
Yours for bolder response,
Lawrence Bernstein
(The world’s most obsessed ad archivist)
P.S. Don’t miss Shoestring Direct Mail Startups (Insider’s Training). It’s the HOTTEST little “side hustle” I know… based on twenty years in the marketing trenches.
P.P.S. You’ve got nothing to lose because you’re covered by my 60 Day “Pillage & Profit” Money Back Guarantee.
Yes, count me in!
Breakthrough Business Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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