Dear Wealth Seeker,
Thank you for visiting my web page.
There’s a 500 bolívar note at the top, just like the airmail letter I sent you.
Recapping my letter:
“As you can see, I’ve attached an uncirculated 500 Venezuelan bolívar note to the top of this letter. Take a close look at it — it’s an authentic banknote with a unique serial number.
There was a time when this rock solid currency was the envy of Latin America and this banknote would have been your ticket to a night on the town in the swankiest section of Caracas, including fine dining, theater and night clubs.
The country’s capital was safe, chic and cosmopolitan. And since Venezuela boasts the world’s largest oil supply, a 17.5% share of proven reserves, ahead of even Saudi Arabia, everyone thought things would stay this way forever.
But that’s not what happened.
Since 2013, the simultaneous collapse in the worldwide price of oil and the screeching halt to Venezuela’s socialist revolution, the currency has been in a free fall and lost a staggering 99.99% of its value. In fact, a million dollars in bolívars in 2013 is worth only $2.50 today.
And what of gasoline in this oil rich nation?
It’s subsidized by the state oil company to near free. Gas attendants hate to take the worthless cash. They prefer cookies, bananas or cigarettes as payment. Only in Venezuela is a bottle of water worth more than a liter of gasoline.
Believe it or not, one buck can buy you a million gallons of gas. You could fill up a tanker truck with oil for seven dollars in Venezuela and drive one hundred meters across the border to sell it for $25,000. That’s right, today in Venezuela…
You can turn $7 into $25,000 as often as you like…
If you’ve got a tanker truck, the risk tolerance and a security detail to watch your back on the hair-raising drive across the border to Colombia. And that highlights an important point.
No matter what disruption is going on in the world around us, there are always money making opportunities… if you know where to look and take action.
Here’s a money making opportunity unique in our lifetimes because of Covid and the large percentage of consumers stuck indoors. If you live in North America and are over the age of 18, visit the link below to see if you qualify.