BITCOIN & blockchain mailbox BLOCKBUSTER of 2021… Secrets of “subscription selling” that built a half-billion dollar business
Ultimate ANTI-AGING advertising… 44 GIANT pages and over one BILLION dollars in sales. Everything from world class health and beauty copy… to luscious layouts… to pitching product lines in print… plus product naming and positioning
ULTIMATE product positioning (The world’s most powerful money manual)… How to sell 100,000 home study courses at $195 to brand new customers
40 LIFE CHANGING pages that could turn YOU into a fabulous fascination writer… even if you’ve never written one before!
How to run 100,000 ads in print that NEVER fatigue. Likely the ad with the MOST insertions in the history of BIZ-OP.
Tiny bookalog… HUGE response… Perhaps the greatest direct mail “sneak-up” in history… and a lift-letter so crafty… it fooled even me
The most DANGEROUS ad in history? You’ll learn more about WINNING proof elements from this one ad… than any ten advertising textbooks… even though the advertiser was fined $61 million!
POWER profits with pattern interruption and “re-positioning”… Contrarian copywriter’s secret for forcing readership and response
Swiping A-Z Video Series… When the world’s best copywriter swipes from THIS classic… twice!
MEASLY million a year in mail order… or a supplements brand selling for HUNDREDS of millions? (The 3 MAGIC keys)
Marketing secrets of the world’s largest chiropractic franchise… 24-page BLUEPRINT for creating a world beating franchise
12-page sales letter moves a MOUNTAIN of $995 a year subscriptions… without any fancy graphic design.
Secrets of an UNBEATABLE 27-year “double control” in direct mail… and print… PLUS contrarian advice on why “beating the control” could be a BIG waste of your time… from the winning copywriter himself
100-year old response booster SMASHES your prospect’s most common (and hidden) objections. 21-page digital dossier for ratcheting up response… from those prospects who normally say “No!”
Secrets of EVERGREEN products that sell… for decades… and “Why a gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen.” Thanks, Gary.
Boiler room on paper…”Pandemic creates potential stock boom of the decade.” This newspaper mailing is the epitome of Marshall McLuhan’s maxim, “the medium is the message”
Lead magnets that LAND 150,000 paying subscribers… A lesson on how to arouse SERIOUS desire in prospects… and fill your coffers from oodles of paying subscribers
55 TRILLION emails NEVER opened… One thousand MAGIC subject lines for rocking response in 2021 and beyond
The “Super Consultant” package… Home study selling secrets… PLUS… How to FORCE readership with the… “Why I hate (blank)” lift letter.
World’s WEIRDEST lead gen lesson… from 20th Century electric guitar marketers… who made a MINT
My mailman can (STILL) quote this magalog… World’s winningest alt-health copywriter’s response rocking TUNE-UP… on a tired 10-year old piece
2 MAGIC HEADLINES battle it out… and the winner is… Welcome to the “mailbox gladiatorial games”
Direct Response Players Volume 1 (200+ Pages of Power Persuasion) The ultimate ad collection of two billion dollar selling marketers PLUS their massive 364 ad swipe file for nearly every market known to man.
LEGACY programs that land response…”Why I Will Pay You $4,768 To Cancel Your Subscription Right Now”
Fabulous Forbes funnels and “The One Stock to Buy in July”… Secrets of the perennial winner to the Forbes’ house file
Biz-op letter VACUUMS up $480,000 in ‘small checks’ in an afternoon… and the “Obi-Wan Kenobi” of biz-op
Self-defense package my mailman knows by heart… The envelope teaser copy propelled this winner for two solid years.
“CUSTOM Villas” luxury real estate classic... sold BIG on both sides of the Atlantic
FABULOUS fascination ringing the register… 9 YEARS and counting!
A TREASURY of language learning copywriting classics
Mel Martin’s subscription selling and POWER pricing… The power of CONTRAST that gets prospects’ greed glands going
Ad lessons from the LARGEST book publishing enterprise EVER in existence (224-page “Dirty Dossier”)
You must be over 21… to read this headline?
MAGIC headline sold 2.6 MILLION books PLUS… How to burn a list of 175,000 paying subscribers
The BIG bookalog that launched a thousand copywriting careers… A 21st Century direct mail list topper for POWER product positioning.
Selling Beethoven by the BOATLOAD… A towering Time-Life offer that ran for years
Mom’s AMAZING pineapple weight loss pitch… (Mailing 11 Years and Counting)
World’s greatest AFFILIATE marketing model? Some things are too good to share… but here it is. An EVERGREEN concept in cash creation with the power of niches.
The copywriter whose clients bought him a mansion… He was the mid 1980s diet kingpin — who became a jailbird — who became the world’s greatest “off the page” beauty copywriter.
Killer supplement controls… and the “A.B.A school” of advertising. One of the greatest weapons in the advertiser’s arsenal… and the ONLY format to get through in certain markets and niches.
Simple PERSUASION BLUEPRINT… from a 60 year copywriting veteran to pocket over $100 million. (In his own words… shared in a personal email)
Your MOST valuable asset?
The Bighorn Fire was another reminder.
I’ve lost it all more than once.
And I’ve come close more times than I can recall.
But do you know what can NEVER be stripped away… no matter what goes down in the world around us?
QUESTION: “I’ve bought your products before and been very happy with them. How am I getting this high-end 6-week training for free?”
ANSWER: “We all need an extra money making trick or two for 2021 — so, why not hand you a BIG BAG of tested, response-getting tricks? You can secure your 6-week “AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE” training… by swinging for a front row seat to Ad Money Machine for 90 days.
The cost is a one-time $297 during this promo. You’ll immediately be ready to “pillage and profit” with HUNDREDS of “Case Studies in Cash Creation.”… and THOUSANDS of winning ads. Plus, your 90-day access fits hand in glove with the six week training.
QUESTION: “I’ve been on your list for quite a while. This six week course sounds exciting. Is there any forced or hidden continuity, if I take you up on this offer?”
ANSWER: I’ll tempt you to stay after three months… but no… there’s no “forced” or hidden continuity. You’re locked and loaded after your one time payment of $297.
QUESTION: “For how long will I have access to the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE training?”
ANSWER: You’ll have indefinite access to the training videos, copy templates and course materials with your unique login.
This training will be just as valuable five years from now because it’s entirely EVERGREEN in nature… for as long as there’s direct response buying and selling.
QUESTION: “When does the six week training begin?”
ANSWER: It kicks off on Friday, January 8th, 2021 at 3:00 pm Pacific time. You’ll get all the nitty-gritty details in advance.
QUESTION: “What happens if there’s a snafu after checkout and I cannot successfully register my username and password?”
ANSWER: Don’t fret, send me an email and I’ll get you squared away. I wish the occasional tech failure wasn’t a part of life, but it is.
QUESTION: “Lawrence, you already gave me the lowdown on the fantastic airmail-email campaign, thanks. Why do I need the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE?”
ANSWER: Pardon, but I’m partial to food metaphors. If you told me you hadn’t eaten a bite all day, you might be grateful for a bowl of pretzels I passed you… but you’d be over the top for a three-course gourmet meal.
The AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE can whip up a LOT of gourmet cooking for you for years to come and the airmail-email campaign is just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll have the COMPLETE direct mail system… and a MARKETING ASSET to put to work for you in any market you choose.

written years ago
QUESTION: “Do marketers and copywriters really use your Ad Money Machine site in their businesses… is this normal?”
ANSWER: I’m not fit to speak about normalcy. After all, how many ad archivists field phone calls at midnight? It was actually near 2:00 am when a British marketer rang me over the summer about the “Female Obama” package. Thankfully this doesn’t happen too often.
But I can tell you… YES!… more marketers and copywriters than you could fathom are SERIOUS about getting their hands on winning advertising and many are in countries outside North America, like: Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand the UK and dozens more countries.
Many have told me over the years that they’d have no chance at studying winning direct response advertising otherwise. For many, their membership has become their response winning SECRET WEAPON… because…
EVERYTHING starts with a good idea… whether it’s an idea for a sales letter… a product or product line… or even a business. When you get your hands on this bounty of winning advertising… you’re TUNED into direct response like never before.
And as much as outsiders refuse to believe it, advertising copywriters wrote many of today’s news headlines years in advance, like “The Coming Plague” from 2016.
QUESTION: “I’m already a member of your Ad Money Machine. What happens to my subscription if I enroll in your new “AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE” training?
ANSWER: “Your next scheduled renewal will be pushed back 90 days… and I’ll mail you an additional Christmas present.
NON-QUESTION: “Direct mail doesn’t work.”
ANSWER (with a question): “Have you ever tried it?” I’ll reply to these know-it-alls. Incredibly, half the time, they’ll answer, “NO.” They’re not timid about sharing third hand information they’re certain of though.
And for the other half who answer “YES,” I’ll ask: “What was your CTA?” Most require an explanation that C.T.A. stands for “call to action.” Usually they’ll admit to mailing a “branded” brochure with NO call to action.
The truth is direct mail is a superpower in the right hands and no one can ever outbid you for the price of a stamp.
QUESTION: “Will your AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE training include a rolodex and resource guide for everything I need for my own campaigns?”
ANSWER: The beauty of the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE is simplicity, but no stone is left unturned. You’ll have my complete rolodex of vetted vendors… and everything you need… both for a “kitchen table” campaign… as well as trusted lettershop resources for mailing in the millions.
Even though this campaign is simplicity itself, we’ll deep dive into this exciting and lucrative channel of direct mail, including: the “secret sauce” for supercharging response with your airmail campaigns, winning copy templates, response boosting stamps and stampers, the world of airmail envelopes, best sources for list hygiene… and so much more.
QUESTION: “How much will it cost me to mail a letter with the Airmail Advantage?
ANSWER: In the States it costs around 98 cents to send a single airmail letter… using 1st Class postage… including the “secret sauce” for catapulting response.
QUESTION: “Will the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE work in my market and for the products and services I sell?”
ANSWER: If you’ve successfully sold with direct response before, the answer is a resounding YES!
QUESTION: Will the AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE really go for $2,997 in 2021… once the course is in the can?
QUESTION: “I’m interested in your CUSTOM LIST recommendation. How can this help me and how do I obtain this for my market/business?”
ANSWER: Do you realize there is a BUYERS list for almost EVERYTHING under the sun… the very products and services you’re selling now… or wish to sell?
I invest many small fortunes each year on “power user” resources, including in the lucrative world of lists. But my time is finite and I pull out ALL the stops to locate winning lists. Reply now to ensure your custom “list reco.”
QUESTION: “Do you guarantee the custom lists you’ll uncover for me will work in my market or business?”

Falkland Islands
ANSWER: Listen, I think you know this by now, so don’t make me invoke the “old death and taxes” cliche.
There are no guarantees in the real world. Let me give you an example. Let’s say someone has a target market of IT professionals on Stanley in the Falkland Islands. As much as I’m fond of Stanley, it only has a population of 2,108, so I cannot source a list for the ONE guy on the island who’s the information technology pro.
Additionally, for those in real estate and most professional practices, who rely on local marketing, there’s not much I can do to help you as far as lists go. There’s no list that will point to the prospect who’s likely to by a home or schedule a chiro consult in your zip code next week.
My custom list reco is for you, if you have a mass market product of identifiable buyers, such as: arthritis sufferers who’ve bought supplements, options traders who’ve invested in trading software or sports angler bass fishing product buyers. There are tens of thousands of lists for locatable direct response buyers, the world over. Most marketers are in the dark about the universe of lists for proven buyers.
QUESTION: “When will I receive my custom list/s recommendation?”
ANSWER: Expect your custom report by January 11th. I’ll send you an email after you’ve responded, so you can forward me your market category details. It takes time to get your “list reco” right. A universe of fresh, new, targeted prospects could be your key to breakthroughs in 2021 and beyond.
QUESTION: “Will you provide me the names and addresses of the respondents on your custom list recommendation report?”
ANSWER: No, the ball is in your court for that, but I will show you EXACTLY where to go and WHAT TO DO once you have my custom research report in your hands. Remember there are tens of thousands of lists… and finding the RIGHT ones is the key.
QUESTION: “Can you help me locate niched executives for high ticket transactions and consulting deals?”
ANSWER: Potentially, whether they’re purchasing/procurement executives in France, or chartered accountants in England & Wales, there is a list for almost every profession under the sun.
QUESTION: “I need to pivot now, what should I do?”
ANSWER: Again, I’m not the pied piper of pivots, but after beating 40-40-20 to death, you’ll appreciate even more, the need to get good offers in front of viable prospects. Your skills as a marketer and business builder are NOT defined by the market you’re in at the moment… or used to be in.
A friend of a colleague was a super affiliate in the world of travel advertising. He watched his revenue vaporize in March and thought all hope was lost. After some downtime, he realized that wasn’t the case. He tapped into the universe of buyer’s lists and is now up and running in the world of alternative health.
QUESTION: You mentioned: “If you can meet the conditions spelled out in this letter.” Is there anyone this offer is NOT for?
ANSWER: Indeed, this offer is NOT for dreamers, dabblers and voyeurs. Take it from Taleb. My wife’s grad school professor, Nassim Taleb, popularized the expression, “skin in the game.” (He was never a mellow fellow.) Without skin in the game, there is no game. For those looking to “collect things” on their hard drives, do us both a favor and take a pass.
Here’s another prime example.

Do yourself a favor in the New Year… avoid these types at all costs.
You’ve almost certainly heard of “The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches.” This fellow actually wrote a letter to the newspaper with the caveat “…before I invest my $10.” Someone who needs this level of “decision insurance” over a bagatelle, isn’t likely to do anything… even with a foolproof plan served on a silver platter.
Back to the main act.
The AIRMAIL ADVANTAGE will hand you… a response getting ARSENAL for 2021… no matter your business… or industry.
Because more so today than ever, it comes down to…