“100-Times My Investment…
100% Risk-Free Acceptance Form”
Marketers, copywriters and copy chiefs from around the globe have trusted you and your expertise for over fifteen years.
You’ve invested a fortune to bring this treasury of winning ads to me. I’m ready to grab a hold of the old Louisville slugger and swing for the fences!
I am responding before Thursday, October 15th, 5:00 pm Pacific.
You always take care of your customers. If the drives happen to be snatched up before I place my order, you’ll immediately refund my entire payment and the three bonuses are mine to keep.
Please FedEx me the Home Run Hard Drive 2020 on a lighting fast USB 3.0 External Hard Drive.
My FedEx package will be sent in TWO business days and I’ll receive a tracking number as soon as it’s available.
Starting today… my value as a copywriter, marketer and business builder takes a GIANT leap. It all starts with KNOWING MORE than almost everyone else.
My USB 3.0 External Hard Drive, crammed with over FOUR THOUSAND (4,000!) handpicked ads and resources, may fit in my pocket but it delivers more fire power than a skyscraper full of the ablest ad agencies.
I understand this puts me in a category of one and I’ll have COUNTLESS marketing and copywriting ideas and inspiration for years to come… plus access to THOUSANDS of fully searchable keywords in almost every alt-health, financial and self-help market known to man.
You get what you pay for, but sometimes you get MUCH MORE. That’s the ultimate promise of direct response.
Lawrence, you flat-out want this to be one of the HIGHEST returning INVESTMENTS of my direct response career. So you’ve pulled out ALL the stops on this one because I’m a long time valued customer. I’m not only covered by your…
100-TIMES My Investment
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
but the Home Run Hard Drive 2020 must be worth 100 TIMES my investment. That’s how confident you are that I’ll PILLAGE AND PROFIT with it… today… next month… and five years from now.
I’ll be the sole judge of your bold guarantee, but if I disagree for any reason, I may return the drive to you within 60 days and receive a no-question, no-quibble refund, LESS shipping & handling. I have nothing to lose!
I’ll also receive your:
BONUS #1: 6 months access to AdMoneyMachine.com
I’ll have INSTANT ACCESS to HUNDREDS of Case Studies in Cash Creation... just minutes from now… a REAL $582 value.
As Jay Abraham popularized in the headline of a recent entry: “A business strategy that may be common as dirt in one industry can have the effect of an atomic bomb in an industry in which it has never been used before.”
That’s exactly the potential that awaits me on the Ad Money Machine… no matter my market… no matter where I’m located.
Sure, I’ll find TONS of investment newsletter pitches, trading advisories and, of course, supplement magalogs and alternative health info promos.
But they’re FAR from the be-all and end-all of direct response.
There are also GIANT categories… like these: Business Development, Corporate Advertising, Chiro & Dental, Prepper Pitches, Educational Advertising, Food Copy, Fundraising, Travel Advertising… even Religion, Philosophy & History.
Ad Money Machine will keep me connected to the latest and greatest in the world of direct response, as well as the old school.
BONUS #2: Million Dollar List Multiverse
Yes, Lawrence! Give me the lowdown on how to access TENS of THOUSANDS of lists in almost EVERY market under the sun!
I understand this $11,176 a year resource is ONLY available in the United States and requires a quick trip to my nearest state university campus, along with my laptop.
Since I’m funding this best kept of “list multiverse” secrets with MY tax dollars — this bounty is MINE to claim… without spending a single penny(!) — and you’ll show me the step-by-step for mining the ULTIMATE list treasure trove.
Direct mail legend, Ed Mayer’s, 40-40-20 maxim is as timeless as it is simple. The ratio of success in direct marketing is:
- 40% lists (finding the right prospects)
- 40% offer (a HOT product and proposition)
- 20% everything else (the creative copywriters spend time worrying about)
Most copywriters are in the DARK when it comes to lists.
Show me how to TURBO BOOST my power as a marketer and copywriter with the ability to TAP into a universe of MILLIONS of BUYERS in THOUSANDS of markets.
BONUS #3: The Alt-Health HOTLINE
Yes, Lawrence! Your Home Run Hard Drive 2020 is PACKED with enough firepower to keep me busy for years… but you’re not stopping there!
Please keep me tuned in with a 2020 year end summary and update with your Alt-Health HOTLINE that will be sent to me by email in mid-December. I’m ready to SWING for the fences now!”