YES, Lawrence! Please direct me to the instant download page for Crisis Copywriting That Sells!
As a subscriber of Doberman Dan, I save $300 today during this special before the price reverts to $497.
My copy will be infused with POWER with these GIANT 2,000+ page crisis copy archives in:
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These 200+ ads range from one page print ads to 80-page bookalogs — across multiple markets and industries and…
Over 50 Years of Advertising in Trying Times
…Through recessions, riots, natural disasters, oil embargoes, terrorist attacks pandemics and public health crises… over a GIGABYTE of winning advertising.
Most of all… no matter my market… or the products and services I sell… I’ll have the keys to PROSPECT driven copy that converts in CRISIS times.
By replying now, I’ll also lock in these two IMPACT BONUSES:
IMPACT BONUS #1: “When the SH#T hits the fan revenue plan” It’s the world’s greatest direct mail LOOPHOLE… that can potentially add millions to my bottom line over my marketing lifetime… by turning lists into direct mail cash.
IMPACT BONUS #2 “Emergency Response Booster Report” This 22-page report reveals an almost lost copy technique worth its weight in gold today… for rescuing flatling sales letters and reviving promos on life support.
I understand you’re extending this $300 savings bonus because I’m Doberman Dan’s valued subscriber.
So, YES…