And within a week to two… I’ll find the perfect prospects… hungry to pay me a healthy monthly retainer.
It’s simple.
Because I know how to set-up a simple EVERGREEN system that…
Turns their neglected leads into CASH.
What’s more, every day these HIGH transaction prospects raise their hands and show me exactly where to find them.
Following a proven sequence… and with just one powerful response-getting demonstration… these affluent prospects can turn into cash paying clients.
After twenty years of playing the lead generation game… including in Downtown Manhattan during 9-11…
I know exactly what to send them… and what to say… that gets the RIGHT ones to say “YES.”
They’re happy to pay me because I’m willing to “get my hands dirty” doing something most C-level marketers can do in their sleep… and it’s worth a fortune to these affluent prospects.
It’s got little to do with writing copy.
Like a fisherman throwing an irresistible bait into fish filled waters while relaxing on his boat…
I can do all this from the comfort of my home office… and wait for these affluent prospects to chase me… after I’ve thrown my proven bait in the water.
I’ve christened it… in typical copywriter fashion… “Lead Gen Legend.”
More in a moment.
Dear Marketing Friend,
I’m going to keep this short… for once!
I’ve got a “quick start” package sitting on my desk I’d like to send you.
I’ll send it by Priority Mail to the postal address at the bottom of the email I just sent you.
Best of all, it’s 100% risk free because you’re a long time valued customer.
It contains my giant “Billion Dollar Flash Drive” loaded with 5,098 winning ads — a sprawling twenty year collection you couldn’t buy for any price.
It also includes the “secret sauce” for the HOTTEST kitchen table direct mail campaign on the planet. It’s called:
“The Airmail Advantage”
You may have seen my offer for it last month.
If you saw it… but didn’t respond…
– Maybe the timing wasn’t right.
– Perhaps, the pot wasn’t sweet enough.
– Or maybe (Heaven forbid) I failed sell.
Whatever the case, you’re in the catbird seat because I’m still adding reams of money making content to this one of a kind training… so I decided to float this offer to you at the original promo offer with a delightful twist.