The secret weapon for HIGHER RESPONSE
as a marketer, copywriter or consultant
in EVERY alternative health market known to man!
Dear Marketing Friend,
Time is short.
And since we both know the ropes of marketing and advertising, I’ll get right to the point.
There are precisely six spanking new external hard drives…. LOADED with the latest… freshest… winning…. 2020 alternative health advertising sitting on my desk.
It’s cost a small fortune to compile, scan and digitize this KILLER collection of alt-health advertising.
It runs the the entire gamut of alternative health — from info publishing and newsletters to supplements and health devices to professional practice offers — and leaves NOTHING out.
Let me get something out of the way immediately.
There’s no false scarcity… and no false advertising here.

No one honestly knows whether we’re in the first act… or the last act… of this pandemic play.
But this much is certain… dietary supplement sales are going nowhere but UP.
Because no matter what’s going on in the world or the economy, it’s the one area consumers can CONTROL.
Killing the “copywriting goose” that laid the golden eggs
Question: “What’s the advantage of a portable external hard drive for helping me with copy creation in alternative-health?”
Answer: The ALL NEW Home Run Hard Drive of Alternative Health Ads 2020 goes way beyond a mere mortal’s swipe file. With nearly 2,500 SEARCHABLE ads in every market under the sun, you’ve got the ULTIMATE response boosting ASSET at your command… of evergreen advertising ideas, winning appeals and proven products… irresistible offers, killer product names, world class fascinations… plus premiums that pull… high ticket selling successes… and a gateway to countless established products and markets you may not know even exist.
And best of all, with countless proven promos by your side, you’re NEVER starting at square one… no matter what you’re working on… no matter which markets you’re eyeing for a glorious entrée. The time, money and energy you can potentially save from going down “blind alleys” is hard to place a value on.
Question: “Is the external hard drive compatible with my computer?”
Answer: Plug the 3.0 Secure Portable External Hard Drive into the USB port of any computer (Windows, Mac or Linux) and you’ve got instant access to everything. This portable drive works on all operating systems and hardware configurations. Several customers have fired up their drives almost daily over the last five years. Not recommended for use with a smart phone.
Question: “Do marketers and copywriters really use these hard drives in their businesses… is this normal?”
Answer: I’m not fit to speak about normalcy. After all, how many ad archivists field phone calls at midnight? It was actually near 2:00 am when a British marketer rang me two months ago about the “Female Obama” package. Thankfully this doesn’t happen too often.
But I can tell you… YES!… more marketers and copywriters than you could fathom are SERIOUS about getting their hands on winning advertising and many are in countries outside North America, like: Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand the UK and dozens more countries. Many have told me over the years that they’d have no chance at studying winning direct response advertising otherwise.
EVERYTHING starts with a good idea… whether it’s an idea for a sales letter… a product or product line… or even a business. When you get your hands on this bounty of winning advertising… you’re TUNED into direct response like never before.
And as much as outsiders refuse to believe it, advertising copywriters wrote many of today’s news headlines years in advance, like “The Coming Plague” from 2016.
Question: “How many of the ads on the drive are NEW or currently running in 2020?”
Answer: There are HUNDREDS of current 2020 ads — in addition to a bedrock of yesteryear’s longest running controls — from 2000 to 2020. And guess what? Because this whale of an archive goes so DEEP… you’ll have an insider’s understanding of what (almost) ALWAYS sells in COUNTLESS alternative health markets by seeing the PATTERN of winning ideas up close.
Take these two controls. The top one is from 2010 and the bottom is a current 2020 control. Why did this blockbuster supplement seller come back to the same powerful lead a decade later? Because it works!
Question: “What happens if there’s a SNAFU after checkout and I cannot successfully register my username and password?”
Answer: After you complete checkout, you’ll be automatically directed to the registration page to claim your complimentary six month membership. But if not, don’t fret. Send me an email and I’ll get you squared away. I wish the occasional tech hiccup weren’t a part of life, but it is.
Question: “When will my FedEx ship and will I receive a tracking number?”
Answer: Your FedEx will go out 2 business days after your order and you’ll receive a tracking number as soon as it’s available. Why two business days? Since this is a bondafide marketing asset you’ll be mining for years to come… and this isn’t a mass market offer… two business days ensures this package is fulfilled RIGHT. And meanwhile, you can dive into hundreds of Case Studies in Cash Creation on the Ad Money Machine.
Question: “Why the short window for this offer and isn’t the limited number of drives really false scarcity?”
Answer: This offer is limited because there are as many units as you see in this picture. Plus, I’m testing the pulling power of BONUS #2: The Million Dollar List Multiverse. This may be the first and last time it’s offered as a premium. After all, it’s an $11,176 a year resource and this training shows you not only how to grab it GRATIS… but how to TURBO BOOST your power as a marketer and copywriter with the ability to TAP into a universe of MILLIONS of BUYERS in THOUSANDS of markets.
As for false scarcity, there’s no paradox or puffery about the finite inventory. This value is about what I recently invested for a scanning project and believe me — there’s more than a little overhead involved in compiling, scanning and digitizing all these ads — to say nothing of the continuous small fortunes on paid subscriptions and product purchase. Count on this package being much more when a roll-out offer is ready.
Question: “What if the hard drive arrives and it’s defective?”
Answer: Each drive is double-checked to make sure it’s in perfect working order before it’s securely shipped. In five years, there’s been only one instance of a non-functioning drive and a brand new one was FedExed next day to Sydney, after my subscriber emailed me. In addition, there’s an online download vault, so you’re always covered.
Question: “What happens if I place my order and the drives are already sold out?”
Answer: I always take care of my customers and I’m in business for the long haul. If the drives are sold before the order link is pulled, your payment will be refunded in full and the three bonuses on the offer page are yours to keep.
Question: “How exactly can I search through these massive archives of PDF files to find keywords and promotions connected to what I’m working on or relevant to my market?”
Answer: 2,000+ ads may sound like a lot, but not when you have the power find EXACTLY what you’re looking for in mere seconds. And these are no ordinary PDFs. Every keyword has been squeezed out of each promotion so you can search through individual folders — or the entire drive — for any keyword under the sun.
All you need to do for any given ad is press Control+F (or Command+F on a Mac) and click on the Next arrow to find every instance of a keyword in the promo. The red arrows indicate the term, “memory.” This is HUGELY valuable for surveying what claims have been made by all star copywriters and the proof elements connected to them. (Again, I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on the Internet. It’s always advisable to have an advertising attorney review your ads.)

Question: “What’s my risk — what’s my downside?”
Answer: Allow this shameless promoter to retort. If you’re a serious alternative health marketer or copywriter, it’s this… zero, zip, zich, nada, niente. This is ALL about UPSIDE… YOURS! And you’re 100% covered by the “100-TIMES My Investment, 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.” Moreover, since you’re a long time valued customer, I’m not sweating the details.
Question: “Are there any unadvertised bonuses in this whale of a package?”
Answer: Don’t you just love Q&A copy? It’s one of the most underexploited of direct response weapons. Why? Because prospects almost always READ it… in ANY market. Ben Suarez — and his one time protege — both launched products that crossed over the BILLION dollars in sales mark… and Q&A copy played a STAR role. Nearly 400 of their ads are on the Home Run Hard Drive… as an unadvertised bonus… including a BOUNTY in alt-health. Wouldn’t you like to learn this powerful yet ignored response boosting technique from two of the best in the biz? And while we’re at it, I’ll tell you how to instantly access two of their ultra-rare… long lost presentations. 3 hours of direct response dynamite!
But wait there’s more! (Hey, this is called the publisher’s prerogative.) When you fire up your lighting fast, fully loaded Home Run Hard Drive, you’ll also find a GIANT bonus folder labeled the “Rodale Files.” This is simply some of the greatest alternative health info marketing in existence… that’s FAST disappearing. Building a company like Rodale Press took many decades, plus some of the ablest creative talent on the planet. Wrecking this once great outfit took only an acquisition or two… and powering off the direct response motor that drove the company to the top. A small fortune was invested to compile this one… yours for the taking,
(PLUS: The “When the SH#T hits the fan revenue plan”
And how to turn the largest captive audience in history into CASH)
How to make (and keep!)
Dear Marketing Friend,
You and I have never met.
But we find ourselves in some very interesting times… quite different than our world at the turn of the New Year.
I hope when all is said and done, we can have a beer together.
Quick disclaimer.